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Toy categories at eBay explained

Toy Auctions

What kinds of auctions will you find regarding toys? Glad you asked!

Action Figures - Big huge bunches! Everything from Batman to Mfasters of the Universe to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to Xena to Tomb Raider to Transformers name it, it's there (oh, and did I mention Star Wars and sports too?)

Baby Toys - Activities and gyms, rattlers and teethers, let me tell you a secret - you can get bunches of baby toys at garage sales (having a number of kids has definitely taught me that!).

Beanbag Plush, Beanie Babies - Oh the joys of Ty Beanies - Disney and Meanies and other great collectibles! 'Course, my kids have cut off all the tags of the bazillion they they'll never go to auction either. Wah.

Building Toys - This is a great toy auction category for kids! Erector sets, blocks, k'nex, legos, lincoln logs and more make up these auctions.

Classic Toys - Long, long ago, children actually had to use their imaginations to play. Toys found here include balls, frisbees, colorforms, kites, marbles, yo-yos and slinkies (not to mention Potato heads, Easy bake ovens and more).

Diecast, Toy Vehicles - If you're looking for NASCAR race cars, trucks, tanks, airplanes buses or boats, you certainly should check out this toy auction category.

Educational - Teach your child with games of the alphabeta, geography, math, reading, writing and science!

Electronic, Battery, Wind-Up - What's that? You want battery operated toys? Or even electronic interactive ones? Lots of Vtech and Fisher Price toys are listed.

Fast Food, Cereal Premiums - Indeed, people really do collect the toys in cereal boxes or McDonald's / Burger King promos! Happy Meals rejoice!

Games - Want to get a Lord of the Rings Monopoly? Decks of cards? Electronic games? What about CCG and Role-playing games? This is your category indeed!

Model RR, Trains - The train lover you know will worship the ground upon which you walk when you bid for Z scale, N scale, HO, OO, S, O, Standard and G scale train/model railroad toys!

Models, Kits - Alas, the really best model kits, those of Godzilla, aren't as popular as they deserve. Wah! Anywhos, this category will show you auctions for anime, car, rockets, super hero, science fiction and more model kits.

Outdoor Toys, Structures - There are bunches of Little Tikes and Trailwood and Colorado Step 2 and and wooden slide sets and climbing structures and tents and .... you get the idea. :-)

Pretend Play, Preschool - Think every toy a child could stuff into his or her mouth...and you got preschool things!

Puzzles - Wooden puzzle lots, brain teasers, vintage puzzles and more can be seen here. I even came across a General Hospital puzzle from the 1970s!

Radio Control - For the kid in you, you can discover radio controlled cars, boats, trucks and more. Alas, my kids always eat the remote.

Robots, Monsters, Space Toys - This category is okay, because I found a Godzilla monster in it. Godzilla rules, you know.

Slot Cars - Some wonderful vintage antiques can be seen here. Accessories, 1/24, 1/32 and HO are found within.

Stuffed Animals - A good trick here is to look for lots of these wonderful toys. Pound puppies, Cat in the Hat, lions, doggies, horses and more ranging from teeny-tiny to huge are auctioned off here.

Toy Soldiers - Swoppets and stuff, GI Joe and Marvelous Miranda (yes I made that up), green soldiers and tiny little small soldiers march within this category.

TV, Movie, Character Toys - I don't even want to begin to list all the characters you can find here!!!! The muppets, my little kitty, pokemon, the peanuts gang, spongebob squarepants, disney and more romp in this auction category. Of course, people in the know know that Underdog rules!

Vintage, Antique Toys - Toys from yesteryear! Great things like cap guns, cast iron toys, cowboys and pull toys are there for your bidding.

Wholesale Lots - Run a business and sell bunches of toys! Auctions here enable you to buy in big lots.

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