🌠 A Quick Beginners Guide to NFTs?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, if only I could understand what the heck NFTs are… and how I can profit from them in the future!”

If so you’re definitely not alone – NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are all the rage – heck, even one digital artwork sold for over 69 million dollars!

You read that right… 69 *million*. Incredible!

But you don’t have to be a hugely popular artist to profit from NFTs – they apply to *anything* digital – fine arts, videos, your first tweet, and the like! (Yes, Jack Dorsey, owner of Twitter, is selling a NFT to his first tweet over at www.theverge.com/2021/3/5/22316320/jack-dorsey-original-tweet-nft-cent-valuables ).

That’s why you’ll love the following (and be sure to return back once you’re done so you can benefit from the additional resources I uncovered for you):


There, you’ll discover goodies like:

“NFTs are digital certificates that authenticate a claim of ownership to an asset, and allow it to be transferred or sold. The certificates are secured with blockchain technology similar to what underpins Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

A blockchain is a decentralised alternative to a central database. Blockchains usually store information in encrypted form across a peer-to-peer network, which makes them very difficult to hack or tamper with. This in turn makes them useful for keeping important records…..”


“…The life and longevity of digital content has depended on its ability to spread. The internet’s pioneering cyber-libertarians had a motto to describe this: information wants to be free. Attempts to stop information spreading online have historically required breaking aspects of technology (like encryption) or legal regimes like copyright.

NFTs, however, bring code and culture together to create a form of control that doesn’t rely on the law or sabotaging existing systems. They create a unique kind of “authenticity” in a otherwise shareable world……”

and more!

Mastering NFTs is a topic that could make for a grand challenge, cheatsheet, tutorial and more. You could structure it like so:

Step 1.) Look First for General NFTs Make Simple Resources

Need help with that? Consider:




Next, move to:

Step 2.) Discover How To Create/Sell Your Own NFTs

Need resources for that? Consider:




Finally, move to:

Step 3.) See Additional Ways To Make Money with NFTs

Need resources for that? Consider:




Good stuff!

Your takeaway?

NFTs have been around for quite awhile (remember CryptoKitties?) and given the HUGE boom in the real world these days…. it offers you another way to profit online (think flipping them as well).

Why not take advantage of that today?


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