🌠 Bingeing on the Secret Bingy Search Engine?

Ever wake up and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, if only I could master SEO on a search engine that is NOT Google!”

If so, you’re definitely not alone… contrary to what some die-hard SEO specialists would want you to believe, there really ARE other search engines that can make a difference in your bottom line! Consider, for example, the following resource (and be sure to return here when you’re finished so you can benefit from other goodies I uncovered for you):


There, you’ll find a description of a new Bing webmaster tool like so:

“…Provides Answers to Common SEO Problems

Bing’s new tool provides direct answers and data that not only helps diagnose indexing problems but provides data for solving the issues as well.

What’s notable about the tool is that it’s designed to solve SEO related issues. Similar to the indexing solutions, Bing will also give suggestions on how to improve SEO related issues.

Furthermore, the tool can inspect a URL and give feedback on it for indexing, SEO and markup related issues while not indexing it.

That means, as long as URL can be crawled, a URL can be in a staging environment and submitted for testing without having it indexed.

Crawling, Indexing, SEO Issues

The URL inspection tool provides detailed information about:

Crawling issues
Indexing status
SEO errors
Structured markup information
According to Bing:

“Index details

This card shows the index status and details of the URL. It includes details on each step, i.e. when and where the URL was discovered, crawled and indexed along with the option to see a HTML format and HTTP response details of the same.

SEO details

This section provides details… on SEO based errors and warnings on their webpage. With approximately 15 SEO best practices in place… detailed analysis of the errors and highlights the corresponding in-code HTML and steps on how to fix them.

MarkUp details

Checks the availability and implementation of selected structured MarkUp languages…

Live Check

Often webmasters would like to determine if a page on their site can be crawled or not without requesting it for index. This feature caters to that and is especially useful in investigating content when their site may have been compromised and is for example sending different HTML to search engine crawlers than to users.”…”

and more.

Good stuff indeed!

And think about it – the art of Bing SEO is something that could be made into a quick challenge, tutorial, cheatsheet and more. You could structure it like so:

Step 1.) Review what is required to rank high in Bing



Step 2.) Ensure your website is optimized



Step 3.) Make sure it’s indexed and analyze placement; rinse and repeat



Your takeaway?

While not Google’s size, Bing has a tremendous reach into an audience as well…..

Why not take advantage of that and use it to build your bottom line?


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