🌠 Covid19 Customer Template eMails?

Ever wake up at 12:12am and realize you have yet to go to sleep?

Sorry ’bout that – that’s my life. Let’s try this again.

Ever wake up in the morning and wonder how you can stand out from everyone else in your business email marketing?

If so, I came across a rather excellent article (and be sure to return here when you’re done so you can benefit from other cool ideas) at:


This helpful post gives guidelines for writing marketing emails that stand out from the thundering herd. Tips include:

Here’s How to Communicate With Customers in a Crisis

What Basic Need do You Fill – Your Crisis Email Should Focus on That?

Customer Communications in a Crisis is About the Basics

and more!

The topic of effective ways to talk with your customer base could be positioned into a blog post, blueprint and more. You could consider the following structure:

Step 1.) Research the critical care information for your niche/area

Step 2.) Develop your own unique writing voice

Step 3.) Send out daily newsletters!

Resources for the above include:

news.google.com/ (search for your niche or locale)







Your takeaway?

Like the original article mentioned….

Lots of people are stuck at home.

Make your email something they learn to look forward to.


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