🌠 Easy sanity savers for working at home?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, how else is the world ending today?”

If so not to fear… you’re probably not the only one considering this during these troubled times.

Still, though…

The facts are, bunches of people are working at home.

Perhaps you too?

If so, you’ll love the article I found for you (and be sure to return here once you’ve finished for some more great ideas):


There, you’ll discover not 1, not 2 but 7(!) super resources for working from home including:

“Claim your workspace
If you don’t have a dedicated at-home office, it can be a challenge to find a place to work. If you have kids at home, it can be even more challenging to find a place that’s quiet with no distractions….

Create a schedule
Most of the members of our team swear by sticking to a schedule. But that can be accomplished in several ways….

Dress for work
One of the huge perks of working from home is that you don’t have to get dressed up and spend money on work clothes. But the downside is that it’s easy to let yourself go and not shower for days. The SPI team recommends finding a middle-ground…”

and other great ideas as well!

Creating a blueprint/tutorial/cheatsheet on such a thing would make for an excellent idea as well!

You could break it down into:

Step 1.) Choose the best area to set up your workspace

Step 2.) Make sure to set aside time for exercise

Step 3.) Look for inspirational music to make things happen!

Resources for the above include:










Your takeaway?

Life happens in the blink of an eye…

The best thing you can do is turn on a dime and make things happen.


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