🌠 Even BETTER than optimizing your website conversion?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, if only I had something BETTER to do than tackle the holiday preparations!”

If that was you, allow me to offer much condolences and good wishes that you survive the upcoming holidays.

But along those ideas, if you CAN put off holiday holidayizing…. why not tackle something really thrilling and exciting like….

Something BETTER than website conversions?

Well then!


is a nice article that discusses how one can do something OTHER than website conversion…

… and that’s data analytics.

We’re talking things like:

Identifying your best customers.

Understanding them.

And while you’re at it, segment your users!

Definitely check it out.

And finding your best customers can be a great topic for a profit report like so:

Step 1.) Learn how to use Google Analytics

Step 2.) Decided what is the best metric for YOU to use

Step 3.) Make it so!

Resources for the above include:







Your takeaway?

If business up to now hasn’t delivered what you desire…

Consider the above. It might help!


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