🌠 How To Boldly Take Control of Your Marketing Future

Ever wake up one morning and see that all of your WP sales pages are redirecting towards malware sites?

Ever wake up on said morning and realize that the morning in question is a Sunday morning?

Ever wake up on said Sunday morning and realize that the only person who can save your sales page…..

… is you?

What would you do in such a situation?

Would you scurry to Fiverr and see if someone/anyone could assist you?

Would you post to FB in hopes that a friend might be able to fix the situation for you?

Would you simply say, to heck with this all, shut your laptop down, leave your customers/affiliates in the lurch and go binge-watching on Sherlock Holmes?

Well then!

Give ALL of the choices of the above… I must say, Sherlock Holmes makes the most magical sense of ’em all…

… because Sherlock was known as a rather superb detective who could see what was invisible to others.

And why was it invisible?

Well, mainly because at times… the solutions were hiding in plain sight.

Thing was, people weren’t open to looking at said solutions as being something so… *easy*.

And that brings me to today’s glorious post!

Lots of times, sales pages these days are built in WordPress.

And WP is slightly more hackable than clear-text passwords.

Thus, if your site is attacked during a launch or promo, you MUST have at your fingertips the ability to resolve the issue on your own (because with your luck… such hacks will happen on a Sunday morning).

Luckily, fixing WP issues doesn’t always require brilliance sharper than a diamond blade…

Many times instead, it just requires plain common sense and securing your site BEFORE an attack happens.

Heck, such a concept could be broken down into 3 simple steps as well:

Step 1.) Ensure you have required WP Security plugins

Step 2.) Make sure you harden your WP site as much as possible

Step 3.) Be open to the obvious

Resources for the above include:






Your takeaway?

All is NOT lost if your site crashes on the weekend…

Instead, you have to give yourself permission to fix things… yourself.


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