🌠 Profiting while Doing the Quarantine Rag?

Ever wake up one morning and say to yourself:

“Jeepers self, if only I could demonstrate my age by using the word ‘rag’ as in the musical version like Doin’ the Vatican Rag (by Tom Lehrer of course)?”

Chances are, gnope. But what IF instead you said,

“Jeepers self, if only I could simply keep my income coming in (get it? In-come, coming In?) while IN quarantine or self-isolation?”

Well then! So glad you asked.

Self-isolation or quarantine is notable due to the fact that, well, you’re kinda sorta house-bound.

As in, not working outside!

And if you’re not working outside, well, that’s quite the tweebly thingee indeed especially if you’re used to working outside.

Thus, you need to bring money in while being at home.

And how can you do THAT?

Well! One of the best ways to achieve that is to figure out what people in your prior (or current or future) industry would like to learn how to solve….

… and then making a digital product that solves said issue.

I came across one article that touches upon this (and pls be sure to return to this page for other great resources) over at:


Ideas shared include:

Creating online learning classes

Taking advantage of online sports

and, well…

That’s just about it.


But you know, making money while in self-imposed quarantine could make for a great blog post or tutorial or product itself!

You could break it down into:

Step 1.) Search for a niche evergreen problem to solve or sell to

Step 2.) Create a PDF or video series or eClass etc. that solves said problem

Step 3.) Sell it on Gumroad or if its marketing-related, W+ or JVzoo!

Resources for the above include:








Your takeaway?

When fate hands you lemons, freeze those suckers and lob ’em in the direction of profitable opportunities and surprise the heck out of naysayers en masse!

Your future income will thank you for it.


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