🌠Introspection is a very hard thing to do

Early this morning during a wee break of my insanity time, I was going to post about:

XYZ’s great great grandson discovered (InANotFlatteringSituationByPaparriazziWhoLobedAGrenadeOnlyAfterCountingTo53Sire) after (something else related to XYZ family).

And then I switched the (fill in your blank favs – coffee brand, political party, race, creed, heritage, beliefs, etc. involved quality) to someone I *know* and realized heck no, I’d never have cheered for someone to have those experiences.

Which made me wonder, why was that?

Which made me ask myself, was it the coffee brand, political party, race, creed, heritage, beliefs, etc. that was the factor of my Tweeblelate or Be Tweebelated Reaction?

Which made me whack myself with my ManlyCane (not to be confused with TankCane) and say outloud, Jeepers self, are you *truly* this idjutic like?
Which made me realize – gosh, I hate SeeAreTea theory.

Back then, I would have said, let’s get all the facts *first*. Not coffee brand. Not political party. Not…. oh, go read it again for yourself up earlier in the post. 🙂

And the reaction *that*?

‘Twas yep, if circumstances were different, my reaction could be different as well.

Is THAT the goal of SeeAreTea?

Because woah, it does make me question every human being by thinking negatively *ahead* of the times… you HAVE to think the politically correct way or bad bad you.

This generation (quoting Grecian parents before 4th Century BC) is just about the worst. I mean, read all about it:


“[Young people] are high-minded because they have not yet been humbled by life, nor have they experienced the force of circumstances.

They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it.” — Aristotle, 4th Century BC


What do you think?


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