🌠Revitalizing Your Business in this Unexpected Fashion?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, the economy might be reopening soon (it might already have!) … how can I get more people into my businesses during this new stage?”

If so, you’re definitely not alone…. the plain fact is, mask or no mask, bills still do have to paid…

So reopening (online or not) is critical.

That’s why you’ll find the next resource rather interesting (and be sure to return back here when you’re done so you can grab our other finds):


There, you’ll uncover goodness including:

1) Step Up Your Marketing Efforts

2) 1. Measure Your Marketing

3) 2. Perform Competitive Analysis

4) 3. Ask for Referrals

5) 4. Build Relationships

6) 5. Engage in Brainstorming and Journaling

7) Work on Your Product Marketing

and ‘way ‘way more!

Reopening one’s business is a topic would be great for a tutorial, cheatsheet or blog post as well. You could structure it like so:

Step 1.) Research the best ecommerce opportunity for your business

Step 2.) Research what it takes to optimize your site for more business

Step 3.) Create a social media campaign about it

Some excellent resources for that include:







Your takeaway?

Online is where the world is going (for profiting online)…

Why not consider that today?


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