🌠The Corona Virus Retail Survival Guide?

Ever wake up one morning to find the world has entered a pandemic…

… and wished you had some ideas to help your retail business still continue to earn you cash?

If so, you’ll enjoy the following article discovered (and be sure to return here one you’ve checked it out for even more fantastic goodies):


This guide provides you with not 1, not 2 but 17 ways of living through the pandemic and emerging on the other side, like:

Special offer for loyal customers

Follow up every shipped package with a cheerful postcard.

Add social responsibility messages within your existing campaigns.

and more!

This kind of subject could also make for a grand blueprint, blog post, product and more You could break it into sections like so:

Step 1.) Ensure your eCom site has an optin

Step 2.) Send morning newsletters every day with positive hopeful messages

Step 3.) Stay abreast of social media and ensure your message gets out

Resources for this include:







Your takeaway?

The world isnt coming to an end just yet… why not try turning on a dime for your online business ?

Your future income will thank you.


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