🌠The Electrifying Habits of International Holiday Shoppers?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, I wonder if the buying habits of my next door neighbors (and everyone else on the fact of this planet) is exactly the same as my own?”

If so, let me tell you, the world of eCommerce would be in a very sad state of affairs indeed (as my own particular shopping preferences tend towards “garage sales” and “online” and “anything where I don’t have to interact with the rest of humanity” etc.etc.etc.

Luckily for the beeeeyons and beeeeyons of marketers, the above simply is NOT true.

As a matter of fact, not only can one examine the shopping habits of a community of peoples (Nerds! Cross-fitters! Parents of Toddlers!), but one can consider entire countries, nationalities and more.

That’s why


is such a fascinating read… it claims that:

“Holiday shopping habits: Singaporeans go for deals, while Australians love festive shopping” and more!

To wit:

“…The research revealed Australians and South Koreans categorised their shopping habits most often as ‘holiday shoppers’ (28% and 30% respectively). Holiday shoppers tend to buy all the gifts they need once November hits, with a smaller lead time on purchasing.

By comparison, Chinese shoppers bought throughout the year and categorised themselves as ‘sporadic shoppers’ (38%). For Singaporeans, deals and bargains drove buying decisions as most Singaporeans said they were ‘bargain hunters’ when it came to holiday shopping. With the 11.11, or Singles Day, sale coming up, closely followed by Black Friday and Cyber Weekend, it’s prime time to catch deal-focused buyers….”

Consider the following. You can take:

* Singles Day

* Invisible Holiday Day (aka Thanksgiving Day)

* Black Friday

* White Friday

* Small Business Saturday

* Cyber Monday

and combine all the above with the 24×7 Internet.

Then add 937085 heaping metric tons of dollar signs….

…blend in International buying habits…

…shake fiercely for 48 seconds…

and voila, you have a recipe for great big huge holiday profits world-wide indeed!

‘matter of fact, International Holiday Shopping could be the basis of a grand 2020 profit report too. Consider breaking it down into:

Step 1.) Discover all the International holidays

Step 2.) Research the country of origin’s buying habits

Step 3.) Add to your future 2020 bottom line by including the above!

Resources for that include:










Your takeaway?

The Internet allows you to reach a HUGE international audience…

… and during the holidays especially, said audience simply wants to buy buy buy!

Why not kick fate in the right direction… and have them buy from you?


Buy buy. Smile

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