🌠 2021 Working from Home Secret Requirements?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, if only I could train myself to really be serious about working from home and supporting my family!”

If so, you’re definitely not alone – due to the pandemic, bunches of people are teaching themselves the art of working from home, so maintaining or even increasing one’s level of profits is a very good thing indeed!

That’s why the following article will interest you (and be sure to return here once you’ve finished reading so you can benefit from the other goodies I’ve found for you):


There, you’ll discover:

“… Create a Routine

The most important strategy for working remotely is to come up with a good routine. Unfortunately, it’s easy to fall into the trap of doing too much or too little, then having to deal with the consequences down the line. Especially when you’re in charge of your own day.

For me, finding a good routine was not easy. I used to accept most projects that came my way, and that resulted in having to work much more than the standard eight hours daily. Sometimes, it would be ten PM or later before I was done for the day. At this point, I’d be dead tired, have zero patience for my family, yet my brain would still be wired from staring at screens, so I’d have trouble falling asleep….”


“…Only Work at Your Desk

I must admit it took me a bit too long to figure this one out.

When you switch to a remote way of working, it sounds like paradise. After all, who wouldn’t want to work in their PJs, from their couch, lazing about and just feeling so incredibly relaxed while getting things done?

Here’s the bad news: no matter how good it sounds, it’s actually a terrible idea.

The great thing about going to an office every day is that the physical space is likely to be optimized for getting things done. So, even when we’re working from home (or a local coffee house), we need to intentionally create that same effect….”

and more. Good stuff!

Fact is, maximizing your productivity while at home is only good common sense. You could create a grand challenge, tutorial, cheatsheet and more about it like so:

Step 1.) Ensure you have good ergonomic furniture

Need additional resources? Consider:




Next, move to:

Step 2.) Make sure you take good care of your health via exercise

Need additional resources? Consider:




Step 3.) Devise a Work at Home schedule that works for you

Need additional resources? Consider:




Your takeaway?

2021 is fast approaching…. why not ensure you can hit the ground running?


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