🌠 50 Coolio Niche Blog Ideas to Start Next Year Great?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, if only I could pick a fantastically good niche to begin profiting with via a blog!”

If so you’re definitely not alone – Profitable niche building (especially given how useful working at home can be) is something that makes a heck of a lot of sense these days.

That’s why you’ll love the following (and be sure to return back once you’re done so you can benefit from the goodies I uncovered for you):


There, you’ll discover:

“…There’s a fairly obscure album by a guitarist named Duck Baker called There’s Something for Everyone in America. I don’t know a ton about it apart from the fact that it came out in 1975 and that its cover art is absolutely next-level.

Neither of those facts is particularly relevant to this article, but the album’s title is. That idea that “there’s something for everyone” doesn’t just apply to America — nor does it have anything to do with what appears to be Lady Justice stabbing a tiger in the heart while Duck Baker casually looks on and smiles from a nearby window.

No, that concept is also relevant to niche blog topics. Everyone has something that’s meaningful and interesting to them in its own right, and in a lot of cases, those kinds of passions and pursuits can be channeled into a well-crafted, consistently maintained blog property….”


“…So what should you blog about? How do you land on the topic that will resonate most with readers and keep you fulfilled in the long run? Well, first and foremost, you need to consider your areas of expertise.

Where are you an authority? What can you talk about comfortably and compellingly? If you write a blog in some niche you only halfway understand, readers won’t be receptive to it. They want to hear from an expert — someone who can demonstrate that they’re qualified to offer tips or trustworthy opinions. But it doesn’t end there.

Writing a blog is a personal pursuit, so you need to write about something that bears personal significance. What do you like to write about? There has to be some degree of joy and enthusiasm behind your blog….”

and more!

Mastering finding a profitable is a topic that could make for a grand challenge, cheatsheet, tutorial and more. You could structure it like so:

Step 1.) Learn all about popular niches online

Need help with that? Consider:




Next, move to:

Step 2.) Give yourself permission to learn how to profit from blogs

Need resources for that? Consider:




Finally, move to:

Step 3.) Invest in yourself and make it happen!

Need resources for that? Consider:




Good stuff!

Your takeaway?

The world is changing… but that does NOT mean you have to lose the ability to profit online.

Why not take advantage of that today?


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