🌠 Mastering the art of social listening and reputation mgmt?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, if only I could make sure that every time I’m mentioned online… I hear about it and can respond!”

If so, you’re talking about the art of reputation management, NOT reputation manglement (which is what happens if unhappy customers get the vocal drop on you).

And interestingly enough, reputation management isn’t that difficult to oversee!

That’s why the following article will be of interest to you (and be sure to return once you’ve finished so you can benefit from other goodies I’ve uncovered):


It can give you a great beginning to reputation management as you learn:

“…Information spreads incredibly fast online. A company usually only notices a social media crisis when it has already spread to news sites and affected sales – when it’s too late and there’s nothing left to do but issue a company apology for whatever the media wants.

As a social listening user, though, you can regularly check the sentiment around your brand for spikes of negative mentions to spot a rising problem in time. You’ll get to see fluctuations in your brand reputation and spot what this depends on: social media campaigns, product launches, (un)fortunate brand advocates or something else completely. Regularly observing brand reputation gives small business owners a good idea of how their marketing and customer service teams are doing….”


“…Every social listening tool has a feed where all your mentions are collected. To discover what your customers and target audience think about your brand, go to the mentions feed and look through the posts.

It’s usually possible to filter the results and look at mentions from a specific source (e.g., only Facebook), location, language, gender, etc.

It’s also often possible to look only at negative or positive mentions, which is very useful for improving your customer service and preventing bad comments from spreading on social media …”

Good stuff!

Mastering social listening is something that could be the subject of an excellent challenge, blueprint, tutorial and more. You could structure it like so:

Step 1.) Familiarize yourself with Google Alerts for social

Step 2.) Figure out the terms you want to track

Step 3.) Set it all up and make it so!

Resources for the above include:







Your takeaway?

Social listening and reputation management is a great thing to keep track of online….

Why not profit from that today?


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