🌠 The Brilliant Art of Repurposing Video into a Fine Podcast?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self! If only I could take this magnificent trainer videos and repurpose them into awesome podcast shows!”

I am, you know, it makes sense.

You already HAVE excellent video content for the eyes, and chances are, said content includes excellent voice overs as well!

Consider then, the following.

What IF you could strip off the audio…. and create content from the original video and sell *that* as something useful today?

Well then! If so, the following might be interesting (and be sure to return here after you read because we have even more excellent resources for it):


It contains some excellent ideas for repurposing, including:

“When repurposing content for podcasts, remember to always ask yourself — would I listen to this? Ultimately, if your audio content isn’t good enough for the creator to listen to it, then you shouldn’t be making it. You need to first and foremost think about your listener and make sure you’re providing them with excellent content.”


“First, try thinking about your overall topic cluster as a season of the show, with each individual blog post being a distinct episode. Following this path, it makes it much easier to plan a season’s worth of content that all deals with a similar theme or topic without being repetitive.”

and more!

You could even take this concept and create an awesome blueprint or blog post from it:

Step 1.) Make sure you have the best tools for creating podcasts

Step 2.) Read up on tutorials to see how to create the best podcasts

Step 3.) Make it so!

Resources for the above include:








Your takeaway?

Podcasts are a great way to get people to consume your content…

Why don’t you look into that today?


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