🌠Super Cool Ways to Bring your Website into 2030?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, if only my website would attract droves of thirsty customers who crave everything I’m selling!”

If so you’re definitely not alone – as more and more people are turning to the Internet, it makes sense that your site should be as pleasing as possible!

That’s why you’ll love the following (and be sure to return back once you’re done so you can benefit from the goodies I uncovered for you):


There, you’ll discover goodies like:

“… Clean Up Your Navigation

Your website navigation plays a large role in the overall user experience of the site. Overcrowding the navigation with tons of pages and elements can create an overwhelming experience and cause a visitor to go through more clicks than necessary to get to what they need.

Older websites often have tons of pages, buttons and links stuffed in the top section of the hero image. Today, users tend to scroll, so you no longer need to place everything in the first panel.

As a UX design best practice, try to limit your top navigation to a maximum of seven elements. This includes the top pages, your phone number, and any buttons.

Sadly, drop down menus are too busy and no longer fit in with modern website design; they’re difficult to navigate on smaller devices. A good alternative for large sites that need to keep certain drop down options is the mega menu. A mega menu is a type of expandable format in which several options are displayed in a nice, 2-column format. It is an excellent choice and creates a nice design for larger menus….”


“…Focus on High Level Messaging

In the past, when most visitors were viewing sites on desktops, you could have pages filled with dense content that visitors would read through.

Today users spend only a few seconds on a site and tend to scan the content quickly as they scroll. For instance, Nielsen’s research found that approximately 79% of people scan web pages. When cleaning up your website content, focus on high level messaging and make it as easy to read and scan as possible.

High level messaging refers to the headlines, sub headlines, and bullet points on a page. Placing your most important messaging in concise and objective headlines and following this type of hierarchy will make it easier for visitors to quickly determine if your business and site offer solutions to their problems…”

and more!

Mastering the art of website design is a topic that could make for a grand challenge, cheatsheet, tutorial and more. You could structure it like so:

Step 1.) Understand what a good layout for a site really means these days

Need help with that? Consider:




Next, move to:

Step 2.) Ensure its mobile friendly

Need resources for that? Consider:




Finally, move to:

Step 3.) Make sure you do NOT make the following mistakes!

Need resources for that? Consider:




Good stuff!

Your takeaway?

Ensuring your site makes the most of popular website design trends today just makes superb common sense….

Why not take advantage of that today?


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