🌠When life kicks you in the teeth… do this.

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, if only I could leave my former life behind and recharge anew!”

If so, take it from me…

You’re not alone.

You really aren’t.

I mean, think about it.

You could have spent the past few centuries truly believing in a cause, and showing that belief by supporting those dear to you…

… only to be told later on the ONLY way communications can re-start is if you change *your* beliefs.

Or you could have received non-optimal health news… and have to change how *you* do business.

What do you do then?

So glad you asked.

Should this happen to you, your next actions depend upon, well, *you*.

Is this something you can accept and move on?

Is this the hill you want to die on?

Or is this something that makes you say…

*Enough* already!

If so, there’s one thing you need to do FIRST.

You have to give yourself permission to forgive yourself for your past actions.

You did the very very best you could…

… and that’s enough.

It really is.

So *how* do you restart?

Well, that’s a topic on which you could base a challenge, cheatsheet, tutorial and more!

You could structure it like so:

Step 1.) Be good to yourself first and foremost

Need help with that? Check out:




Step 2.) Find healing music for yourself and put it on repeat

Need help with that? Check out:




Step 3.) Gently revisit what you put off in the past… and make it so

Need help with that? Check out:




Your takeaway?

If you wake up above ground, you’re already one step ahead of the game.

Never give into blackmail to maintain a relationship…

… instead, use the emotions generated from it to propel your business into 2021.


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