8/15/18 – reflections on a birdieDay

My birdieDay is this month!

And I now realize I have come to a crossroads in life.

Back in 2011, I hit a similar crossroads that I wrote about over at:

How To Brilliantly Turn Failure Into Money for 2012 – Pillar

And I think I’m there now.

I need to internalize that some folks neither want, nor deserve, the help that only I can provide.

It’s a painful lesson to internalize… but I think I’m hugely in the process for doing that now.

I need to focus for the most part… solely on *me*.

And well, in 6 years, I accomplished  a huge list of goodness/smartness which also contributed towards my bottom line as well.

So what will the next 6 years bring?

One thing I know…

… Whatever it brings, depends upon *you*.

And nobody else.

*YOU* are the one who can choose to make things happen.

Depressed?  Visit a therapist and see if you can get meds to help.

Suicidal?  Call the National Suicide hotline over at 1-800-273-8255.

Think life isn’t being fair to you?

Life is *never* fair.

Never has been, never will be.

Life is what you choose to make of it.

And yes, true.  Lots of things happen that you cannot control (as the actions are done by other people or events).

However, in the vast number of cases, you can *choose to control* how you react to them.

Sometimes not.  But far often, you can, if you give yourself permission to make things happen.

And thats where the miracles happen….

When you step outside your comfort boundaries and start commanding life to go the way you want.

Trust in fate, perhaps….

… but also give fate a kick in the *right* direction.

And that, my friends….

Says it all.

Grow strong,

Barb Ling

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