Amazon FBA and You… Perfect Together?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, if only I could create my own business eCom business but not be bothered with shipping/handling and ATJ (all that jazz)!”

If so you’re definitely not alone – running your own eCom business includes bunches of moving parts (including said shipping and handling). Removing one of those might be helpful indeed!

That’s why you’ll love the following (and be sure to return back once you’re done so you can benefit from the additional resources I uncovered for you):

There, you’ll discover goodies like:

“Because of the variety of places where your products can be promoted, Amazon could send significant organic traffic to your product page without any work on your part. Many Amazon FBA owners rely 100% on this organic traffic to generate their revenue.

Compared to having your own website and online store, Amazon wins hands down in terms of the amount of traffic they will send to you for free.

Although that said, it is never a safe idea to bet all of your traffic on one system…..”


“…First of all, don’t expect to throw up a product and think Amazon is just going to send you organic traffic. Unless your product is something that people are showing an active interest in (i.e. you have spikes in sales in a very short period of time), Amazon is not going to put in a lot of promotional work.

They only promote products that are objective winners in their marketplace, so if you want to reap the rewards of that organic traffic, you will have to hustle a little bit when your product first goes live.

Another downside with Amazon FBA is a dilemma in dealing with suppliers. This negative is something that is actually shared by dropshippers and e-commerce business models as well. In many ways, your supplier is the life of the business. If demand for your product becomes very high, your supplier might not be able to produce the item for you fast enough…..”

and more!

Mastering Amazon FBA is a topic that could make for a grand challenge, cheatsheet, tutorial and more. You could structure it like so:

Step 1.) Look Up Beginners Amazon FBA Tutorials

Need help with that? Consider:

Next, move to:

Step 2.) Go Over Additional Amazon FBA Tips and Tricks

Need resources for that? Consider:

Finally, move to:

Step 3.) Decide What You Want To Sell and Make It So!

Need resources for that? Consider:

Good stuff!

Your takeaway?

Amazon FBA could be a superb help for your online profiting….

Why not take advantage of that today?


ps – looking for inspiring great marketing goodness? Check out:

Resource #1 – Awesome eMailed Group Coaching

Resource #2 – Grow Your List with Viral PDFs

Resource #3 – The Excellent Entrepreneurial Executive eSquared Club!

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