Nancy's Parrot Sanctuary Guestbook
Thank you for visiting our pages. We would love it if you would Add
to this guestbook we are keeping! Please also remember that we are in desperate
need of funds to keep the sanctuary going - your donations are tax-deductible
and will help us greatly. Click here
for more info.
Thankyou for your time and hopefully your consideration
of welcoming an African grey into our flock .
Tracy Birch
I am trying to locate a grey cheeked parakeet but am having trouble
finding breeders. I'd appreciate ANY help anyone can give me.
Kay Jansen <kay.jansen@marquette.edu>
Milwaukee, WI USA -
Your link from BLing's site caught my eye. My husband wants a parrot
and I know NOTHING about them. Thanks for a site that is informative and
supportive! Great work.
Jeanne Flowers <jeanne@hic.net>
Houston, TX USA -
Great Site and very informative. Thank You very much!!!
Mona Thomas
My family and i have been looking to adopt an amazon parrot for a while
now. we have done lots of research and any help in getting a parrot would
be greatly appreciated please e-maill me thanks for your time
Katie <r_kat99@hotmail.com>
Pine bush, NY USA -
I am doing research on bird rescues, I am thinking about starting one
in my area. I would love it if you could give me some advice. Thanks
Jo Burkhart <ittybitty13_13@hotmail.com>
Canton, Oh. USA -
Valerie Weasner <Hezel@nerc.com>
Yardville, NJ USA -
I love this site, I have some questions concerning the gender of Patagonian
conures, and any recommendations on good web sites for info on. Thanks
for any help you can give., Namaste
Anthony Urgo <Urgotony@yahoo.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA -
great site!
rajini <rajini@tripod.de>
You serve a great purpose and this site is a tribute to all of us who
love these birds. I have a Lutino Cockateil and what a great bird. Keep
up the good work and let us know if you need volunteers Nance.
raymond jenkins <rjenkins33@hotmail.com>
Bridgewater, NJ USA -
i just got a cocatiel and for a while we had it in a make shift cage
last night i baught a real cage with supplys, and there was a mirror in
it my cocatiel went from cuddly to animalistic in the blink of an eye he
started biting everybody , i talked to my cousin and she said it was because
of the mirror is this true? SILVERRICH@aol.com
Richard Nar <Silverrich@aol.com>
coral springs, fl USA -
great ste
Looking for parrot (actually a cockatoo) rescue group here in NJ, will
pass on your info to the person who has the bird thanks
Geri <crockett21@hotmail.com>
High Bridge, NJ USA -
cool site
I have a Nanday Conure Parrot and love her to pieces. I wouldn't have
anyother pet than a bird. Her name is Babycakes & she is very intellegent.
she is 13 years old. Thank you for having a sight such as this one.
Marcia Heineck-Polizzi <reggit1991@aol.com>
Buffalo, NY USA -
Hi Nancy! I found your site and I am planning on moving to NJ and would
love to adopt one of your birds. In the meantime, I would like to help
your cause with a donation. Could you let me know where to send the donation?
Thanks and Good Luck!
Christopher Edwards <chris.edwards@nasd.com>
Rockville, MD USA -
great site
I just happened on your sight. I have just started my own rescue group
in MN. I call it Parrot Adoption Education Program. I would love to get
any advice on avoiding any pitfalls you can think of. I have been rescuing
birds for 2 years, & it has been the most heart wrenching & heart
warming thing I have ever done, that's why I'm going full time! God Bless
you & your work!
Judith Hill <dhill1@earthlink.net>
Bloomington, MN USA -
Hi, Greetings from Finland.
Jari Peltonen
Tampere, FINLAND -
Hi Nancy, my name is Jim and my youngest daughter Melissa. I stumbled
on your web site a few days ago and happy I did. I was lucky to see someone
having the dedication to rescue and care for unwanted birds. We live in
the Woodbridge area and would like to visit you and possibly help in some
way. I have some experience with parrots when I was younger. I adopted
two cockatiels last year to see if my girls and myself had the time and
love to care of them. I want to adopt a young African Gray. For 10 years
I raised my double-yellow head parrot named Baby. I am looking forward
to enjoying the love and happiness again. Jim, Jamie and Melissa I hope
we can come to visit. thank you, Jim and Melissa Email jimkoger@aol.com
Jim & Melissa <jimkoger@aol.com>
Perth Amboy, nj USA -
Your committment to your birds is endless. I hope the next few weeks
go well for you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Looking forward
to meeting you in two weeks. Rest up...
Gary Kucsan <kucsangm@umdnj.edu>
Bridgewater, NJ USA -
I enjoyed your website and keep up the good work. I love parrots and
will send a small donation. Keep up the good work.
cheryl.ambruse@target.com <cherylambruse@target.com>
mpls, mn USA -
I just enjoyed your website very much and will be sending a donation.
Keep up the good work. I love parrots.
cheryl ambruse <cherylambruse
mpls, ,m USA -
please please please!!!!!!!!! nancy i'm 12 yrs old going on 13 in a
few days all i really want is a parrot i never get to keep any of my other
pets my cat monica my dad trew her on the side of the road my bunny bugs
ran away my other rabbit bengirman was killed by a fox and i had to give
away my puppy chubby all i really want is a friend to talk to cos i live
so far out in the middle of no where where there is no other kids please
please please let my dream come true of having a true friend.
megan hyland <lilangel00cute@hotmail.com>
Kildare, ireland -
Nancy, I am wishing you a very speedy recovery!! God bless you for
all you do!!
Sherri Brandenburg
Shelbyville, IN USA -
Nancy, I don't know you, but we're sisters under the skin. I'm a cancer
survivor and know that you will be too! The next few months will be rough,
but your will to get back to your wonderful birds will pull you through.
Keep your faith and your chin up. I'll send some birdie-bucks this week.
Your friend, Jo Gore, Director.
Jo Gore <BIRDLOVE2RESCUE@sc.rr.com>
Columbia,, SC USA -
Nancy keep upthe good work you are doing with the birds! I have one
of your birds at home, "Sunny". He brings me lots of joy. He
does not talk much yet but many birds don't talk at all. He has been dancing,
he loves music and tries to sing but I just don't understand. He loves
to kiss and be kissed, he is just wonderful! I am still looking for an
african gray at this time. Nancy keep up the good work and may god bless
your kindness! Carmen
Carmen Malaret <Malaretmalaretc@aol.com>
Easton, PA USA -
don't let my E-mail address scare you i'm 14 and my family wants to
adopt a parrot
Paul Martens <hunter041087@msn.com>
Denville, NJ USA -
Compliments must be right as there are so many. I am looking for a
young cockateil as I live in an apt. and need small animal. I've had one
cock-a teil and loved it. I can't find a person who raises them.
D. Wright <texgang3@airmail.net>
Fort Worth, TX USA -
What a wonderful thing you are doing!! I will pass the word along to
everyone I know. :o)
Heather <neonectar@hotmail.com>
Youngsville, NC USA -
I am praying for your recovery. My mom is a survivor, 13 years. You
will be too. Anybody who loves birds knows how therapuetic they are. My
dad adored his many birds, I'd like to send a donation in his name. Manny
Cabrera. I'll send it to the address sent me today. Many blessings, Marilyn
marilyn <marilyn_lockwood@yahoo.com>
Collingswood, NJ USA -
My husband, Carlos and I are lookimg to adopt a large tropical bird...Carlos
is fron Guatemala and raised and cared for parrots there...We don't want
to buy one from a pet store because we don't believe in the pet trade...we
would love to talk to a breeder of eclectus parrots or amazons...we also
would be happy to adopt any unwanted birds!!
Susan <santana@idig.net>
Surrey, bc Canada -
Thankyou for your time and hopefully your consideration of welcoming
an African grey into our flock .
Jean Williams <fallenstar238@webtv.net>
Port Saint Lucie, fl USA -
I have enjoyed you visiting your wonderfull site and will be back again
soon. Tim.
Tim Bennetts <tim@strp.worldonline.co.uk>
Camborne, Cornwall UK -
Came across your site while looking for info on Jenday Conures. We
have one that has lost a lot of her feathers. She doesn't seem stressed
and gets lots of attention. Maybe someone who reads this can help. Your
site is wonderful. I have spent the last hour just reading everything.
You are doing a wonderful job. We also have a canary and cockatiel and
would love to have more, but alas no room. Keep up the good work.
Hazel Meegan <hazelmeegan@webtv.net>
Millsboro, DE USA -
Tonight we were given for free, a patagonian conure...His name is Mickey
McFly...He seems like he is a real sweetie pie...our friends had him for
only a month, but their mom had him for 6 months. The previous owners,
were not very nice to Mickey...our friends thought he was kind of abused...he
loves to be scratched, and eats everything except salt and avocados. We
used to have a myna bird, but have never had any other talking birds. Any
info would be greatly appreciated... thanks...
Brad and Darleen <Mystro7777@yahoo.com>
Lakeside,, CA USA -
Tracy Spooner <pitbulladi@yahoo.com>
Albany, NY USA -
Founder and director of Chester County Sanctuary for Wild Bird Rehabilitation.
We do receive calls about companion birds and are glad that you are providing
for these dear ones.
Susan Birch <BHSongbird@aol.com>
Coatesville, PA USA -
Good work, I did much the same work in Spain for 13 years, and now
am in Silicone Valley with my first baby parrot, who is now 10. I'm going
to check out your website and get to know you. Perhaps I can be of some
future use...
paula van de werken <pvdw@mailandnews.com>
san jose, ca USA -
For anyone who has the pleasure of owning a Patagonian Conure, please
visit my webpage for info & pics. As of Dec 00 our Patagonian, named
Rainbow, is 7 months old. He bonded strongest with me and we "had
this biting problem" earlier. I have that experience documented with
the right & wrong ways to discipline a parrot. I learned alot about
the parrot society and have the info on my page. At 7 months I have a real
sweetheart now and love this Conure!
Charles Doty <esoteric@hom.net>
Warner Robins, GA USA -
I am 12 and wanted a bird for some time now and my parents can't afford
a Conure or Quaker so i hope i get a response. Will go to a loving home
and will be spoiled Thank you!
Lukas Dietz <mojoe06@hotmail.com>
Trimountain, MI USA -
i know exactly how you feel i also have birds that i rescue--but i
always have room for more. If anyone in southern ny state needs someone
to care for the small to the big. please contact me.god bless you and have
a great christmas.will be sending you a donation in the near future.
kathy jennings <kathy375@webtv.net>
nineveh, ny USA -
I have raised alot of parrots, and think you are doing a great thing.
I am moving soon, and am selling most of my things. At the ULR listing
I have Parrot stuff for 1 time buy, cheap. Keep up the good work!
i would like to help if i can
Donna <carolina_lady_42@hotmail.com>
nc USA -
What a great site. We are starting a 4-H Club in Southern New Jersey
for Exotic Birds. Any comments or interested members, please e-mail us.
I think a tour of the your sanctuary would be an excellent trip. Our club
is open to all children from 1st to 12th grade. Thank you, Angel and Mike
Angel Brown <Browns329@yahoo.com>
Glassboro, NJ USA -
We adopeted our Goffin's Cockatoo from Nancy in May. We visited him
a few times to get comfortable with him and him with us. Nancy and her
family are so welcoming and pleasant. Nancy devotes all of her time to
her birds and it really shows. Beep has now been with us for 6 months and
has grown back all of the feathers he was missing when he came to us. He's
a happy, healthy, headstrong bird! I urge anyone who is looking to open
your heart to a bird to try Nancy's Parrot Sanctuary. Nancy is willing
to answer any question that you have because she cares deeply for our birds.
Thank you, Nancy!
Megan, Andy and Beeper <megandy@prodigy.net>
Hawthorne, NJ USA -
Hello, I to have birds.We have big ones and little ones. They all bring
such a joy to my life. I love each and everyone the same. We have them
all indoors. A big bird lover. Cynthia
Cynthia Munoz <sergsspoiledbratt@yahoo.com>
Los Banos, ca USA -
I inherited a padegonian conure, as I raise budgies, and grass keets.
Some cocketeil joined the aviary, when they were in need of a home and
love. The conure is bigger than I would prefer, as I have a small apartment.
I was going to give him back to the people that sold him to the friend
that can't keep him (his wife has asthma,) but I'm falling in love with
him! He was a plucker, due to stress. I've had him for a week now, and
his feathers have already started coming back in. Well, it looks like I
now have a patagonian conure now. I didn't know much about conure's, but
with the web, I have a pretty good idea about them now. I have to find
out more about this particular bird. It's strange living in an apartment,
when I've been on a ranch for so long. I don't "think apartment"!
I just wanted to let you know how much your work means to people. I see
so many abused birds, owned by people that just don't know any better.
As I don't have money to send, I'm sending my good wishes and thanks for
your work. Kitty
Kathryn Gerwig <kathrynlg>
Sacramento, CA USA -
We are trying to find an appropriate home for an 11 year Blue Front
Amazon who just started biting and sometimes draws blood. We don't want
breeders, or resellers. If you live in Georgia, we're asking $1000. AtlBirdRescue@yahoo.com
Bird Rescue <AtlBirdRescue@yahoo.com>
Atlanta , Ga USA -
You are WELCOME to visit my webpage.
Odinn Thor
Reykjavik, ICELAND -
THis is in Memory of our White Eyed Conure, Big Bird, who died last
night. He was well loved for the 15 years that we had him. We were given
him as a gift by a family that did not want him and used to throw things
at him... Hello Big Bird, We miss you...
Chris Barry <chris.barry@yellowbook.com>
Blackwood, NJ USA -
We had a Muluccan for 5 years & recently have gone through a major
schedule change in our lives.(We both work the same schedule now &
she is alone during the better part of the day.) She started pulling out
her feathers several months ago. I tried everything - but finally decided
she needed to go to a loving home where someone was there all the time.
These people also have a Blue & Gold Macaw. Our Peaches has been with
family when we went on vacations, so she probably thinks that's what has
happened now. I think she is in a much better environment, although we
gave her as much attention as we could when we were home. I am confident
the couple she is with will give her lots of TLC. Their only concern was
some kind of systemic problem, but she has gone from having her feathers
grow almost back in, to pulling them out again when she does not get the
attention she wants, so I don't think it is a health problem. Various bird
authorities have told me it's a bad habit or she wants to mate. If I kept
her till her feathers grew back in, that probably would take forever, since
she is so unpredictible with our schedule. She is a sweetie, calls our
dog Coco (the people that took her also have a dog named Coco!) and whistles
the Andy of Mayberry song. Any comments are appreciated.
carole scoles <scolesc@baxter.com>
deerfield, il USA -
I lost my parrot he was 11 years old his name was Lightning Iloved
that bird like he was my child, but I'm thankful to be able to sign your
guest book.
Nicole Blackwell <cherrycoke_55@yahoo.com>
Edna, Tx USA -
Nancy Weaver's Sanctuary is more than a politically correct website
that gives out free parrots. This is the last hope and only chance of surival
for unwanted and abused parrots. If anything ever happens to me, Nancy's
Santuary would be the only place my flock would go, including my A.parvipes
pair. Nancy has given so much, beside her home & every cent the family
ever saved, she has given her heart , her whole life, every waking moment
for Nancy is filled with love for her temporary charges. I met Nancy in
person on Easter of 99, the birds were loved, the cages large and spotless,
the diet was top shelf . Nancy daughter is the most amazing bird handler
I have ever seen, she can take any bird of of it's cage and kiss it silly.
Nancy and her family really loves and care about ALL THE PARROTS, that
entered her facility. I would highly recomend placement for all those considering
the option. I would also recommend any donations you could spare, because
Nancy takes better care of her birds, before her own personal needs.
Vanessa Alibert <parvipes@msn.com>
Ventnor City, NJ USA -
Nancy Weaver's Sanctuary is more than a politically correct website
that gives out free parrots. This is the last hope and only chance of surival
for unwanted and abused parrots. If anything ever happens to me, Nancy's
Santuary would be the only place my flock would go, including my A.parvipes
pair. Nancy has given so much, beside her home & every cent the family
ever saved, she has given her heart , her whole life, every waking moment
for Nancy is filled with love for her temporary charges. I met Nancy in
person on Easter of 99, the birds were loved, the cages large and spotless,
the diet was top shelf . Nancy daughter is the most amazing bird handler
I have ever seen, she can take any bird of of it's cage and kiss it silly.
Nancy and her family really loves and care about ALL THE PARROTS, that
entered her facility. I would highly recomend placement for all those considering
the option. I would also recommend any donations you could spare, because
Nancy takes better care of her birds, before her own personal needs.
Vanessa Alibert <parvipes@msn.com>
Ventnor City, NJ USA -
I too adopted a bird from Nancy (Cockatiel, who I named Oliver). Everyday
I live with the reminder that people can be cruel but there are people
like Nancy who represent the other side. I will support Nancy with as much
as I can and also urge others too. Your donations are used to support the
birds who are there. I wouldn't have my little bird Oliver if she hadn't
been there to intervene. Every bit counts.
Linda G. <sunnysantino@aol.com>
Hamilton Sq., NJ USA -
I adopted my precious Pepper (CAG) and cockatiels, Tommy and Alisha,
from Nancy and try to support Nancy's work as much as my budget permits.
I urge EVERYONE to make a contribution as it will go to a very worthy cause.
Birds under Nancy's care receive love, attention, and rehabilitation. But
it all costs money and if you believe in this cause, you have to support
it. It is a comfort to know that there is a place like Nancy's for birds
who would otherwise have nowhere else to go. She is serious and passionate
about her work and the birds respond to her. Nancy also educates individuals
and the general public about parrot care. I feel very fortunate in having
adopted my companion birds at Nancy's as they are wonderful.
Marion Russo-Lleras <marionrl@home.com>
Scotch Plains, NJ USA -
Great Site!
PageCrafters.net <sbt2@sendfree.com>
I am a happy owner of a BlueFronted Green Amazon,Pepito, and I wish
I can adopt another Amazon. I learn about this sanctuary trough a friend.
I just found out that becouse I am not a NJ resident I do not qualify for
this program. If there is any information about other places like this
in the Washington, DC area please let me know, Thanks.
Washington Arevalo <arevalow@mail.nih.gov>
Falls Church, VA USA -
great site i have two birds whom i love dearely. both were abused from
formeer owners. with lots of love and paintace they are doing great.
lynn <chynandy@hotmail.com>
mound view, mn USA -
I enjoyed your site. I work at a bird and small animal vet.hospital
and truly injoy it. I have a fondness for all birds. At presant time I
only have a male yellow canary and sings beautifully. I am interested in
birds that need homes in my area. Have a wonderful day!:) Linda
Linda Stone <Stone_1810@msn.com>
Riverside, Ca USA -
I have a Senegal Parrot. I purchased him in a pet shop when he was
just 6 months old about 3 years ago. We got along wonderfully until one
day it decided it wanted to be my husband's bird. My husband just really
doesn't want a bird. I am the bird nut, but it bites me and really hurts.
We have talked to several experts and have been told every thing from puberty
to don't let me husband feed him. We have tried for months, but my bloody
finger from just cleaning the cage is the last straw. We have taken excellent
care of this bird. He has a play gym with cob and a big cage that we keep
clean and provide top quality feed and fresh water 2x per day. I can e-mail
a photo if needed. Could you help me find a new home for it? Maybe he just
likes men. He says many things like; pretty bird, good boy, and whistles.
He used to lay on my hand on his back and throw his head back to "play
dead". He can be very charming if he likes you. PLMK Lori
Lori <genesisfarms@uswest.net>
I enjoyed visiting your site. Hope the picture brightens your day.

Good work!!!! Parrots are a gift!!
Zain <zany@ic24.net>
London, U.K -
Wonderful site. Keep up the good work. Those birds are lucky to have
someone like you taking care of them. God Bless Suzanne Ottawa,Canada
Suzanne Rochon
Canada -
Nancy has be caring for my macaw for the past 2years while I'm studying
veterinary medicine in Dublin. She has done a wonderful job with him and
has inspired me to go into rehabilation of birds (and wildlife) when I'm
finished with my studies. Hopefully I'll be reunited with my beloved bird
in a year!
Rachael Gordon <Reddrozez@aol.com>
Dublin, Ireland -
Hi - Heard about you from a couple of ads and an article in BirdTalk
(when I was still subscribing). After reading all items in this guestbook,
I do wish you well. I have a parakeet & cockatoo (Goffin, I think).
They were "found" birds, from the animal warden at the Township
where I work. I just lost a cockatiel (also "found") and do miss
her. The cockatoo is a screamer ! Had him/her about 5 yrs now & my
husband has been ready to strangle him since, because of the screaming.
I'm not too ready to give him up, but if I ever do, I know I'll be calling
you to either have him/her adopted into a GOOD home, or you might be stuck
with him/her for the rest of both your lives !. Good luck to you in the
Pam <BABEBUNCH@email.msn.com
-OR- PTLEW@Hotmail.com>
Piscataway, NJ USA -
Nancy it was great talking with you about your adoption program.I am
looking forward to visiting your sanctuary.This is a wounderful site for
anyone that wants to learn about the world of birds. I am very glad i found
your site. Thank you Lionel.
lionel l brown <flex1@ptd.net>
Tobyhanna, pa USA -
I found your site while looking at other "Parrot" sites.
You have a beautiful site. I like the fact that you "screen"
everyone that wants a "bird" from you, whether it be an addoption
or for breeding. If more people did that then there would be a lot less
"basement" birds and pet around.
Sherrie <alisande@uswest.net>
Hubbard, TX USA -
Came across your guestbook..just new to surfing. Found guestbooks w/my
first name. Your webpage is exciting. I work with a gal who I know will
love it. She has a bird. Nancy
Nancy Comstock <tncoms@earthlink.net>
Colo Spgs, CO USA -
Nancy, I am so happy to have found your site. As you Know from all
my e-mail, I am ready to adopt a larger bird. I'd be willing to devote
some of my summer to donating some of my time to helping you care for your
birds. Please let me know. M.L.
Marilyn Lockwood <marilyn_lockwood@yahoo.com>
Collingswood, NJ USA -
just found this location after talking to you today. its interesting
how similar the needs of all animals are i have just adopted out a collie
and find i do the same things--educate eualuate and follow up and take
back if necessary
doreenkeller <doreenkeller@webtv>
fredon , nj USA -
I ama member of the Central Oklahoma Bird Club and we are always looking
for more info. to share with the memebers of the club which will be of
benefit to them as pet bird owners.
Anne North <taffypocket@worldnet.att.net>
Oklahoma City, OK USA -
Hello Nancy; It is good to see you are still rescuing our feathered
friends. I have a new bappy now, a nine month old U2 by the name of Krystal.
I have been meaning to come down to Belle Mead and pay you a visit. My
two CAGS and two DYHAs are doing fine. How is Quincy? We miss him. Happy
New Year, Happy New Millennium. Warmest regards, Hildegard.
I adopted my two beloved tiels, Tommy & Alisha from Nancy about
1 1/2 months ago. I can attest to the incredible environment she provides
for a staggering number of birds. I toured the sanctuary and was struck
by the cleanliness of the bird cages and care and concern with which they
are treated. They get the very best food, have lots of toys, and get individual
attention. Nancy sat down with me and taught me how to clip wings, how
and what to feed my birds, how to handle them, what to expect, etc. If
y ou have the ability to make a donation, do--it will go towards a most
worthy cause. You have to see this place to believe it. It is that good.
Marion Russo-Lleras <marionrl@home.com>
Scotch Plains, NJ USA -
Wonderful site! Great
job! I have your link on my website. Please visit me. I will be back to
visit soon!

Yo-yo the Cockatiel
Thank goodness there are people like you who rescue these birds. The
general public just doesn't understand how special parrots are. They cannot
just be left alone like dogs and cats can be. They need love, attention,
and a special environment. I have had parrots for over 25 years and love
them dearly. Again, thank you for your good work.
Jane Korbett <jmklck@aol.com>
Dover, NJ USA -
HI! I been a parrot lover for a long time. They give joy ever day.
I have 21 parrots and love they all. I have 1 green-wing macaw, 1 yellow-naped
amazon, 2 finsch conures, 2 love-birds and 15 cockatiels. I been so happy
with them all. Same I take on picnick and I have a house up state NY, some
come with me too. The ones are at home, I have great freind that stays
at my house. I belong to Long Island parrot society (LIPS) and they been
in Bird Talk alot. A very big club and I love going there with my par rots.
Barbara Eangle <rodanjaws@webtv.net>
Mastic, NY USA -
The little lutino cockatiel who I named Oliver that I adopted from
you last Valentines Day is doing wonderful! I adore him and feel privlaged
to have him. If you get another cockatiel I still have room and plenty
of love for another. Feel free to contact me.
Linda G. <lguarino@na2.us.ml.com>
Hamilton Sq, NJ USA -
The little lutino cockatiel who I named Oliver that I adopted from
you last Valentines Day is doing wonderful! I adore him and feel privlaged
to have him. If you get another cockatiel I still have room and plenty
of love for another. Feel free to contact me.
Linda G. <lguarino@na2.us.ml.com>
Hamilton Sq, NJ USA -
The little lutino cockatiel who I named Oliver that I adopted from
you last Valentines Day is doing wonderful! I adore him and feel privlaged
to have him. If you get another cockatiel I still have room and plenty
of love for another. Feel free to contact me.
Linda G. <lguarino@na2.us.ml.com>
Hamilton Sq, NJ USA -
I have been surfing in an attempt to find a rescue org. called simply
"The Sanctuary" in CA, but chanced upon your Website and so wandered
in. I have two parrots whom I love dearlt, both rescue birds from S. FL.,
where we lived for 12 years. Miss it! But I am always happy to see that
there are people everywhere who love these creatures and provide a safe
haven for them. Meeper Beeper, named after finch friends,is a peach-front
conure who was the runt of a clutch, whom the breeder did not want. Yes,
she's "slow", but we love her. She laid her first eggs last December
at 8 1/2 years old! Not fertile, of course, and gave me a run for the (vet)
money because she was egg-bound for a while. Nike, named after the Greek
Winged Goddess of Victory, was a hit-by-car victim in a feral flock of
canary-winged parakeets in S. FL. I did wildlife rehab at the time, with
a soft spot for "non-native" spp., so I took her in and she is
a SWEETHEART. That was about seven years ago. All the other parrots who
came in were adopted out to either breeders or sanctuary homes or as pets,
depending on their personalities. The question of captive breeding is always
a question, but one doesn't just stop a macaw from laying eggs and becoming
unmanageable as a "pet." Tough place, but we humans put ourselves
there, eh? I enjoyed the Website, happy to see a N. Am. bird sanctuary,
but could not get pictures of your birds for adoption. Not that I am looking
for more birds (no more room or time---we also have rescue dogs, cats and
bunnies!) But just to see their beautiful faces.
Sandy Shuffstall <skoi@pathway.net>
Mercer, PA USA -
It is so wonderful to have people in this world such as yourselves
to show so much love and compassion for our feathered companions. There
should NEVER be a bird, or any animal, who is in an enviroment where it
is not loved, not wanted, or not needed. THANK YOU!!
andrea bissett <andreabissett@hotmail.com>
meriden, ct USA -
I have read about your sanctuary in Birdtalk and it is a wonderful
thing to have people such as yourself care so much about our feathered
companions. We don't have one in connecticut and this is something I am
looking into. No bird should ever be in an enviroment where it is not wanted,
loved, or needed.
andrea bissett <andreabissett@hotmail.com>
meriden, ct USA -
I think what nancy is doing is one of the greatest things anyone can
do for these wonderfull creatures. I have been a bird fancier all my life
and have had birds most of it too. I have three Quakers that i have had
for five years and they are the sweetest things ive ever came across. I
am looking to adopt a GOFFIN cockatoo or a SCARLET macaw. SO IF YOU FIND
Brandon Segroves <bsegroves@yahoo.com>
Oklahoma City, OK USA -
How gratifying to rescue birds. Also heart breaking to know how many
unfit bird owners there are. I have been trying to gain the trust of a
Nanday Conure that has had multiple owners. The big problem is he never
trusted me from the start. To those he initially goes to and allows to
pet him, he ultimately turns on them, sometimes in a week, sometimes longer.
He is good in that he will return to his cage when asked. He is allowed
freedom all day in the bird room where he climbs on my 4 cockatiel's &
moluccan cockatoo's cages. He sees me holding, petting and loving them
but attacks me when ever he can. I tried covering my hand for protection
& encouraging him to step up but all he does is try to find a way to
bit me. Very sad for him as he seems to want the attention. He is not aggresstive
to the cockatiels & they don't seem to mind when he goes in their cages
to "steal' their nutriberries. Do you think there is any hope?
Barbara Fenton <fenme3@erols.com>
Egg Harbor, NJ USA -
Great Great Great.Ia the main thing to say about what you are doing.
If any one has any tips on how to gain the trust of a 10 yr old perhaps
older Conure please let me know. I recently took him in. Have another Conure
which is a Nanday and a Umbrella Cockatoo and they have been nothing but
love sponges in contrast to the new bird.I know it will take time for him
but I would like to make the transition as easy as possible for him. So
any tips would deeply be appreciated
Rockie Buffo <RockieBuf@aol.com>
Collinsville, Il USA -
Hi, I have two african greys , which I have raised since they were
hatchlings, I enjoy your site and reading others letters about their birds.
Janice Greenland <jag@key-net.net>
I am thrilled to know you are out there and the birds have such a wonderful
place to go when their owners either can no longer care for them or just
simply get tired of having them around. As for myself I can't imagine that
ever happening. I am only sorry you won't consider someone outside of NJ.
I currently have a very healthly, happy Grey but recently lost my Blue
and Gold to cancer and I am still not over her loss. My house is a little
cleaner but I would rather have the extra feathers and seed i n the floor
to vacuum than to not having her around. Good Luck finding wonderful homes
for the greatest pets in the world.
Cheryl Phillips <razorphil>
Memphis, TN USA -
I have a Mulocan Cockatoo who is very mean and so far untrainable.
I bought him from someone who had him for 4yrs. Who also bought him from
someone who had him for a short time. He was sold because he wouldn't talk
or learn what was expected of him. I've had him 3yrs. and it is very hard
to gain his trust. He won't come out of his cage, and tries to bite me.
He screams all the time. I thought just loving him would take him out of
his shell but it hasn't. Maybe it's time to find someone who really knows
what they are doing. Can anyone give me some tips or help?
Roberta Brooks <babblingbrooks@thei.net>
tx. USA -
i have just adopted a amazoin that was abused. first time having a
big bird. would like any info. on how to gain his trust. he already takes
food from me. and i have already let out to walk around the house. seems
to be fitting in well to our household. thanks
grace <geelpn@aol.com>
pa USA -
I am a new owner of a male cockatiel. The cockatiel continues to hiss
at me and other people. I hope you can help me with this behavior problems.
I am also looking to adopt any type of small parrot if any are avaliable.
Cynthia Pistritto <astrofab@worldnet.att.net>
wilmington, de USA -
Hi. I've recently developed an interest in parrots and would like to
adopt a macaw, preferrably a green wing. I'm open to other birds, but definitely
want a large bird. I've got no problem with coming to seminars and learning
all I can about owning one. I'm confident that I can provide a loving home
for one of your birds. I've got a great big macaw sized cage waiting to
be filled. Thanks.
Steven Morrell <smdesign28@aol.com>
Brooklyn, NY USA -
Is your email address not working? I have written several times and
noone has replied. I would like to help more and several people I know
have called or emailed to help and have not received responses ...
Linda <Linda_Guarino@ml.com>
I'm a first time internet user. Enjoyed your website. Will keep reading
as I have time. So many people want to own birds. Do they realize the dedication
it takes to keep a happy and healthy bird. I have five.
christie parker <mockgbyrd@aol.com>
vacaville, ca USA -
blessed be for what you're doing...these poor little guys are so often
misunderstood and mistreated...and they are such magic and love and intelligence...
Wren Grahame <wrengrah@aol.com>
Sacramento, CA USA -
Hello, my name is Nelson and I am 16 years old . you have a beautifull
web site . I called you 3 months ago asking for a parrot, but you were
so busy that I think that you forgot about me.I understand because you
have a lot of work.I brougth a senegal parrot from a local breeder.I wish
the best wishes for you and I hope that you keep caringfor this beautiful
creatures {parrots} .
Nelson Fasano
Bergenfield , NJ USA -
Hi Nancy, Great job your doing. I too am a bird lover of 10 soon to
be 12. They fill my life with joy. Keep up the good work and if I ever
get up your way, will stop in to say hi :)
Barb Wurster <bwurster@hotmail.com>
Algonquin, IL USA -
HI, I am interested in adopting a new bird for the family. My seventeen
year old is interested in a Macaw. I would be interested in the Goffin,
Pionus or Conures. If you would be willing to adopt to Eastern PA please
E-mail me.
Frederick Haydt <laser86@netzero.net>
Allentown, PA USA -
Thank you for taking care of these beautiful creatures.
M. LaPradd
Bethany , OK USA -
I am looking to purchase or adopt a parrot. Thanks for the help.
Tammy Rake <tmrake@valint.net>
Milton-Freewater, OR USA -
What a wonderful job you do. I too have done some rescue work. My most
recent is Sissy a 20 yr old Goffins cockatoo. She was locked in here cage
for the past 12 years. Very sad! In the past 2 months now she is doing
beautifully. We enjoy daily preening and waving bye bye to each other.
She is an inspiration. I am currently looking for another parrot. Upon
lookin at the pet stores I am reminded of how former pet birds are sold
to the pets stores after the NEWNESS wears off and resold to people also
lacki ng knowledge and become worse off. Though I wish I could save them
all I can not. Nancy you are on the right path and that is education education
education!!! I respect you for all you do for our feathered friends. When
My business starts up you can count on a donation! A short note: I have
adopted to my home a mitred conure, red masked conure, sun conure and a
Nanday. One Sulfer crested cockatoo and a Goffins who is now my sweetie,
3 cockatiels who are now a part of my family and more parakeets and finch
es than I can remember. All have found loving homes and those that are
here now are here to stay. Keep up the great work!
Amy Szewczyk <BarNkdBrds@aol.com
& Puddlesdog@yahoo.com>
Lockport, NY USA -
It was wonderful to hear about such a wonderful place for birds. I
love my birds....a Hahn's Macaw, cockatiel and four cananries and am always
happy to receive e-mail from anyone interesting in corresponding or sharing
tips about bird care and feeding. Is there a place such as this in Michigan
Therese Babcock <tpotgal@aol.com>
Livonia, MI USA -
Febreze, a new product that is used to get odors out of fabrics, has
been causing deaths and illness in dogs, cats and birds. There have been
multiple instances reported in the past few weeks of dogs, cats and birds
dying after Febreze was used anywhere near them. Some have only gotten
very ill, and some have died. Several birds have died as well. Febreze
contains zinc chloride, which is the culprit. If you have recently sprayed
your animals area with this product, please wash it or replace it until
you get all of the Febreze out. Please pass the word along to your friends
so we can prevent further deaths. This was a notice from the Veterinary
Emergency Center in Needham, MA.
Hi! i was just surfing the net, you have a nice web page. i'm just
looking for some info on african greys and showering; my 5 yr old grey
hates the water...he's starting to pick an area on his neck. i've been
told he needs to bath! i just hate to see him upset, but i know he needs
to bath for his health. if you have any suggestions i would greatly appreciate
any comments. thanks,karen
karen lauridsen <kjl4406@aol.com>
westlake village, ca USA -
I really enjoied your page. We have EIGHT parrots from a Sun Conure
all the way to a Blue and Gold Macaw. We dearly love them all. Keep up
your good work. I do have a question. We recently were asked to provide
a good home for an Umbrella Cockatoo who is 4.5 years old. All was well
in our realm until this guy came along. He is a bully and attacks the others.
We have a dedicated room for our birds and they do NOT live in cages. I
have already had to have the beak reconstructed on the Sun Conure by the
wonderful Dr. Nemetz (The best Bird VET in this part of the known Universe).
We now keep Hooter Magoo (the Cockatoo) in a cage. He hates me, but loves
Ke lley (my wife). Any thoughts??????? Thanks again!! Don Wise
Don Wise <RMGDKW>
Anaheim Hills, CA USA -
I am a parrot owner myself and love them all very dearly. I would also
always do anything in my power to help birds in need. I am looking for
any pen-pal (aged 14-15)who can exchange mails with me on a regular basis.
They must also love birds very much. And does anyone know of a bird sanctuary
in South Africa? Love Mecheline
Mecheline Canninga <canninga@cyberhost.co.za>
George, SA South Africa -
Thank you for your good work from all the little birdies at Sandra's
Home for Wayward Parrots. Sadly, rescue services are all too important
for us parrots.
Sandra <smackie@worldnet.att.net>
Great Organization. Im a Parrot Lover myself. Are thier any agencies
in Utah that have Rehab Parrot adoptions?
Adam <atipton@enol.com>
Provo, UT USA -
My husband bought a Cherry-Headed Conure for me for Christmas last
year. He purchased this 4 month old little ball of feathers on the side
of the road. He was instantly part of the family. We have two boys, a border
collie dog and Rico. Rico is our first bird. I'm amazed at his intelligence.
He spends his days on my shoulder, where he can tease the dog at will.
I had no idea how to take care of a bird or even what to feed him, so I
got a list of do's and don'ts on the internet and filled the rest in wit
h some fresh fruits and veggies. I found that he requires a lot of attention
and that he responds better to this attention when he is not cooped up
in a cage. Basically, his cage is his bedroom. I don't spend my entire
day in my bedroom, would you? Yes, he's been known to bite, but that's
because he doesn't like everyone he meets. I warn everyone when they come
into my house (he usually flies to greet them and then decides whether
he likes them or not). Over the summer we will be moving to southern NJ
and I'm concerned about heat in the house. I read somewhere that parrots
will die if your house heat is too dry (remember, Rico is used to 80-90%
humidity). Any info you can send me would be great. I would like to visit
your sanctuary when I get settled in.
Bernadette Wilmot <richardw@east-net.com>
Humacao, PR Puerto Rico -
Hi Nancy! I love your web site. I have a double yellow head parrot,
Sinbad, and a cockatiel, Holmes. They were both given to me after several
years of isolation and mistreatment. I would appreciate any information
about their diet and care and how to bring them out of their shell. I would
also be interested in companions for both of them. Any input appreciated.
Thanks, Carolyn
Carolyn <carolyn@stic.net>
San Antonio, TX USA -
Hi Nancy! I love your web site. I have a double yellow head parrot,
Sinbad, and a cockatiel, Holmes. They were both given to me after several
years of isolation and mistreatment. I would appreciate any information
about their diet and care and how to bring them out of their shell. I would
also be interested in companions for both of them. Any input appreciated.
Thanks, Carolyn
Carolyn <carolyn@stic.net>
San Antonio, TX USA -
Hi Nancy! I love your web site. I have a double yellow head parrot,
Sinbad, and a cockatiel, Holmes. They were both given to me after several
years of isolation and mistreatment. I would appreciate any information
about their diet and care and how to bring them out of their shell. I would
also be interested in companions for both of them. Any input appreciated.
Thanks, Carolyn
Carolyn <carolyn@stic.net>
San Antonio, TX USA -
For those of you who are still e-mailing us at our old e-mail address,
we do not have that anymore. We have been switching internet providers,
on and off, because they have not been reliable enough. So please be aware
that is we do not answer your e-mails, its not because we are ignoring
you....we just can't get on the internet! This is our new e-mail address
for awhile...its working out good, and we hope to hear from you! Is you
have AOL or the AOL instant messenger, please feel free to IM me anyt ime,
and ask questions. My Screen Name is skip41283...or Snuglez412. Hope you
enjoyed our site!
Suzanne Weaver <parotldy@cybernex.net>
Belle Mead, NJ USA -
Sunny days! Sweepin the clouds away! On my way to where the air is
clean!@ CAn U tell us how 2 get, how 2 get to sesame st????
Bert & Ernie
Ernie & Bert <sesamest@NY.com>
New York, NY USA -
what a wonderful thing you are doing for our feathered friends. I am
the proud parent of 15 birds. they are a joy to live with. All of the kids
were rescued from terrible homes.here is a list of everyone. ozzie the
umbrella chico-bluefront amazon, davey-rose-breasted too,coco-padagonian
conjure,perry-indian ringneck,6 cockatiels and 4 parakeets. needless to
say it is never quiet at this house and we would not have it any other
way. keep up the good work
Denise Swanson <fubarfamily@webtv.net>
rio linda, ca USA -
My husband raised cockatiels for a while. He has been wanting an African
Grey. I need some education on this type bird so I can surprise him with
one soon. Thank for all your help. Teresa Cain
Teresa Cain <tbyrd13640>
Winton-Salem, NC USA -
My wife and I have an African Gray "Gonzo", who is about
20 years old and is another member of our family. Enjoyed your site. Good
Todd Kirk
Roswell, GA USA -
thanks again Nancy-for getting me involved,and being a great teacher..........LOVE
Kathy Keenhold <exoticbirdrefug@webtv.net>
Bath, Pa USA -
Please e-mail me people and tell me how i can get my own parrot that
is under one year that i can raise by my self please i need your help yout
the only way i can get one my e-mail is cold_tears42@hotmail.com
Carly Harder <cold_tears42@hotmail.com
watson Lake, y.t. USA -
People please read this......please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am very very
interested in getting a Parrot. I have a cockateil but he wont let any
one tuch him or go near him. If the people who made this page read this
can you please e-mail me at cold_tears42@hotmail.com or if any one else
reads this can you e-mail and tell me how i can get my own parrot, i am
looking for a parrot under one year, please people e-mail i am very very
interested in getting one. My name is Carly Harder. I will be very depresed
if i don't get a Parrot of my own. Please hel p me people. Cold_tears42@hotmail.com
Carly <cold_tears42@hotmail.com>
Waston Lake, Y.T. Canada -
I,m interested in more info on adopting birds. After raising parakeets
and cockatiels for several years I purchaced several birds from a woman
who, health was failing and was forced to get rid of them. Among thet are:
1 pair nandays ,2 male green cheeks. 2 male love birds. a pair of senagles,
a pair of double yellow heads, 1pair mitras and 1 female lesser crested
cockatoo. I would like to find mates for the un paired ones, espesilly
my lesser which is a not a tame bird. I love them all and cant bare to
part with any of them. I would like to set them up with mates so they can
live a happy life. Any info you can give me will be appreacited. Thanks
Donna Mancuso <Jman508583@aol.com>
Baytown, TX USA -
I also tried to send an email to you and it came back as "undeliverable".
Hi, I tried to send e-mail but the system was unable to deliver it
to you (fatal error in your address or something) I would like info on
adopting a cockatoo or parrot type bird. Please respond. If there are no
appropriate bird available, I would still like info so I can be prepared
when the perfect one for me, come along.
Toni <Toni@aol.com>
Edison, NJ USA -
Hello, Planned Parrothood currently has over 60 rescued birds from
keets to macaws. We received non-profit in Feb. 1999 and are soon applying
for tax exempt. We need help, advice, and sponsors. No web page yet....contact
Marc Johnson at mjmbpp@aol.com or call 1-781-878-3733. WE ALSO WANT TO
Marc Johnson
< mjmbpp@aol.com>
781-878-3733, MA USA -
Hello, Planned Parrothood currently has over 60 rescued birds from
keets to macaws. We received non-profit in Feb. 1999 and are soon applying
for tax exempt. We need help, advice, and sponsors. No web page yet....contact
Marc Johnson at mjmbpp@aol.com or call 1-781-878-3733. WE ALSO WANT TO
Marc Johnson
< mjmbpp@aol.com>
781-878-3733, MA USA -
I am so glad for your service, and I want everyone to know that even
the most traumatized, neglected, malnourished bird can come around with
patience (lots of it) and Nutriberries (lots of them) I have four birds
of my own, three of whom were hand raised. The fourth, a lilac crown amazon,
was in a 12"x12" parrakeet cage when I found her. She had never
seen a toy, nor had she ever been held. She had been living on a diet of
black oil sunflower seeds and nothing else; she had also been struck repeatly
with rolled up newspapers, and x-rays showed old bone fractures. It took
me (and my Senegal, who is an excellent modelling bird) to get her onto
a Zupreem diet and to step up onto a dowel. From there, she has progressed
amazingly well, and the average visitor would be hardpressed to tell her
apart from my three other, handraised birds. She cuddles, follows me around,
and generally does well. when we give her a wooden toy now, she destroys
it with gusto. She calls my name as well as my cat's and husband's name,
and laughs in my laugh. The loving patience paid off. I have also rehabbed
six other birds, all of whom were placed in suitable places. It is wonderful
of you to provide this service. Please let me know what I can do to help
you (I live in Seattle, so I doubt you'd be comfortable placing somebody
with me). Good luck, and again, thank for your dedication to aviculture.
Jennifer Jackson-Duenwald <duenwald@worldnet.att.net
Seattle, WA USA -
Its taken me a month to finally find you,(I'm new at this computer)I'm
so glad I did. I love my Grey like I love my children, and want to do whats
best for him. I'm looking for care and diet tips. My next stop is donating
info. Thanks again. Good Luck.
Donna Tellian <Beanee222@aol.com>
Paramus, nj USA -
I have visited the Sanctuary and the work Nancy is doing is very commendable.
It is of the utmost importance that Nancy's work be supported through donations
(yes-money,it does buy everything). The work involved in running a Sanctuary
for pet birds is never ending and a commitment for life (theirs and hers).
I also adopted a bird from Nancy's and love him and am commited to him
for life. It saddens me deeply that a place like this needs to exist, but
contributing to its success (in many ways) makes me feel great. Spread
it around.
Hamilton, NJ USA -
I have visited the Sanctuary and the work Nancy is doing is very commendable.
It is of the utmost importance that Nancy's work be supported through donations
(yes-money,it does buy everything). The work involved in running a Sanctuary
for pet birds is never ending and a commitment for life (theirs and hers).
I also adopted a bird from Nancy's and love him and am commited to him
for life. It saddens me deeply that a place like this needs to exist, but
contributing to its success (in many ways) makes me feel great. Spread
it around.
Hamilton, NJ USA -
I am thinking of getting a bird and would like to hear from someone
who has an African Grey, or other parrots and how they are. In other words,
I am looking for a bird-brain to give me some first hand information on
temperment, care..ETC
union, nj USA -
What a wonderful site. I own a Double Yellow Head Amazon named Cory
and he's the most spoiled "child" I have and will eventually
want to add a Maluccan Cockatoo as his "brother".
Kathy <owenstk@aol.com>
Piscataway, NJ USA -
I own a Hahn's Macaw
Cheryl b. Verdugo <cverdugo@encad.com>
San Diego, CA USA -
I own a Hahn's Macaw
Cheryl b. Verdugo <cverdugo@encad.com>
San Diego, CA USA -
This is a great site. I hope to be adopting a bird from someone. Its
nice to know someone cares that much about birds and will find a home for
almost all that arrive there.
Scott Y. <YoYo1112@yahoo.com>
Slate Hill, NY USA -
To many people take these beautiful birds and really don't understand
what it takes to care for them. I am Happy to see that there are people
like you to love and care for them. Keep up the good work !!!!
NeNee <slride1@aol.com>
Buckley, wa USA -
So glad I found you! We are not too far from you here in PA! I just
got my Grey-Cheeked Parakeet on the web and I will be adding you to our
links. The work you do is wonderful. Peace everyone ........http://www.angelfire.com/pa/TerrysPartyCreations/thebirds.html
Fire Company/Firewife & Virgil <firewife@bellatlantic.net>
New Hope, PA USA -
This is a great thing you've done. hello my name is kenneth I go to
montgomery high with you're daughter sue. she is sitting next to me right
now. we are in the library at this godforrsaken school any way it was nice
typeing to you bye
KEnneth Rutner <Drax_98@hotmail.com>
Skillman, NJ USA -
This is a good thing here.
Cody Wimmer
Bluefield, WV USA -
What a great service. Do you know of a similar organization in Maine?
Michele Adamson <miadamson@aol.com>
Manchester, ME USA -
Excellent work, many endangered species of darling birds are kept alive
and viable by domestic breeding. As an owner of 2 sennegals, a timonese
grey, a normal grey, a cockatiel, and a red lorrie I thoroughly applaud
your work. Parrots arent pets after all they are sentient companions.
Reuben Thorpe <Rxt@Hotmail.com>
Sheffeild, UK -
What you are doing is quite commendable and very impressive.I
am so happy that all my feathered friends out there have a place like yours
to go to.please tell me what i need to do in order to adopt one?
Jane Davidovic <itintglass@aol.com>
I envy this lady for doing what most people wish they could do,anyone
that is,who really care's about parrots that is.I have an aunt that is
a breeder and has alot of birds people don't want anymore and takes them
in and it can be costly,haven said that, I wish her all the luck!
Hal Zimmerman
Cherry Hill, N.J. USA -
I loved the site.I had the pleasure of "sitting" for a yellow
nape amazon for 13 days over the holidays. Now my seems too quiet.
R. Cole <l.g.cole@worldnet.att.net>
Elgin, Tx USA -
we were very touched when we discovered thei website. It makes us feel
less alone in the world; sometimes there is too much exposure to the cruelty
and indifference and selfishness; there is a tendency to get really negative
about our species! I had parakeets since I was a child; in june I lost
my 21 year old half-moon conure PUNCH. She was indescribable, one-of-a
kind (AREN'T THEY ALL?) sHE lived with David for her last two years and
made him a total birdaholic. I recently adopted a mitred conure PATTY and
today I adopted a ten year old Amazon named BABY. Less than five hours
after we met the bird for the first time he said, "Hello David."
On December 9 of this year David adopted two at once (both in the same
cage) - a Senegal and a cockatiel - and their six foot tall dead gnawed
fig tree - all of whom are now sitting in his dining room! So between us
we now have a flock of four parrots - a modest number, admittedly, in light
of some of the other figures we've heard from other birdaholics - but for
now enough of a challenge for us! davi w
Love your web site. Began my bird craze with a Quaker who died before
Christmas. Devestated my children and myself. We immediately found two
cockatiels and a nanday conure. Without our birds the house is too quiet.
Our nanday was bought from an individual and didn't receive much love.
It has been a challenge to soften him up.
Angie Drain <drainhg@aol.com>
Broken Arrow, OK USA -
We own 2 birds presently. We have a cockatiel and a fisher love bird.
We had a pied love bird that died on us 4 months ago. We spent time and
money to find out what happened and we got nothing for our trouble. We
are animal lover's and adore our bird. Our friend tell us if they had a
chance to be born again, they would want to be our bird's. We treat our
bird's very humanly. We treat them as if they were our children. They get
nothing but the very best care with us. My husband and I were devasted
and heart-broken when our little pied love bird died on us. Her name was
"baby" and she was our pride and joy!! We came home one night
to find her dying and I immediately put her in the palm of my hand. she
died on the way to "THE ANIMAL MEDICAL CENTER" in Manhattan on
62nd Street. We could not explain our emotions to you. I was watching you
on a program for animals when I was visiting my in-law's, down in N.J.
I was devasted by the stories you told about your bird's. How could people
be so cruel. Please contact us!
Marie DeNardo <I
have no e-mail address presently>
Bronx, NY 10465, NY Orange -
We own 2 birds presently. We have a cockatiel and a fisher love bird.
We had a pied love bird that died on us 4 months ago. We spent time and
money to find out what happened and we got nothing for our trouble. We
are animal lover's and adore our bird. Our friend tell us if they had a
chance to be born again, they would want to be our bird's. We treat our
bird's very humanly. We treat them as if they were our children. They get
nothing but the very best care with us. My husband and I were devasted
and heart-broken when our little pied love bird died on us. Her name was
"baby" and she was our pride and joy!! We came home one night
to find her dying and I immediately put her in the palm of my hand. she
died on the way to "THE ANIMAL MEDICAL CENTER" in Manhattan on
62nd Street. We could not explain our emotions to you. I was watching you
on a program for animals when I was visiting my in-law's, down in N.J.
I was devasted by the stories you told about your bird's. How could people
be so cruel. Please contact us!
Marie DeNardo <I
have no e-mail address presently>
Bronx, NY 10465, NY Orange -
Saw your special on tv and came to check out the website to find out
more. We recently purchased a young (6 mos old) female Eclectus on our
honeymoon in Hawaii. I've gone from someone who never wanted a bird, to
someone who now can't imagine life without her! Many thanks for what you
Jodi Pagano <rpagano@worldnet.att.net>
Cranbury, NJ USA -
would like information on diet do's and dont's for my 2 military macaws.
Also would be willing to volunteer to help any time.
pauline johnson <pauline.johnson@gte.net>
jackson, nj USA -
would like information on diet do's and dont's for my 2 military macaws.
Also would be willing to volunteer to help any time.
pauline johnson <pauline.johnson@gte.net>
jackson, nj USA -
We saw your program on channel 12. We are very interested in adopting
a bird from you. We use to have a M. Cockatoo who's named was Peaches but
she passed away of a Heart Attack. She only 1 year old. Hope you will be
able to help us.
Erick T. Knapp <Knappe@home.com>
e. Brunswick, NJ USA -
Saw your piece on Channel 12 news this morning (12/24/98). I've always
been interested in exotic birds. Would like to learn more about what you
do. Keep up the good work!!
Neil Dern <ndern@carroll.com>
Hawthorne, NJ USA -
I own a sweet but difficult severe macaw. I am looking for a trustworthy
birdsitter in my area (with references). If you have any suggestions, drop
me a line.
Shelley Goldberg <sgoldberg@neurocrine.com>
San Diego, CA USA -
During the summer Ivolunteer at Nancy's parrot sanctuary, and it is
touching to see how much she really cares for the birds at her sanctuary.
We own four birds, one is a cocatiel named KuKi, and one is a senegal named
Jade.the other two we dopted from Nancy. One is a Jardine's parrot named
Snickers, and the other is an Umbrella Cockatoo named George.George was
Nancy's personal bird, but could not stand Nancy holding other cockatoos
and she would rip out her feathers, so she had to give her up, and since
George liked my mother, we now have the joy of owning her. She has also
grown many more feathers. The world needs more people like Nancy.
Kelly Ryan <cherry@net-lynx.con>
Bridgewater, Nj USA -
I am a animal lover, birds being my passion. We need more people like
you in the world. My parakeet came from a abusive situation. He now is
the King of our house. Birds can be rehilbilitated, but it takes alot of
love, understanding, and patience. Sounds like you have all those things!
Keep up the good work!
Barbie Snow <snow@searnet.com>
Danville, KY USA -
Have a bird my daughter found in April, 1998, so that's how a became
a bird owner.
Linda Mayle <LindaJM@email.women.com>
Pittsburgh, PA USA -
What a wonderful surprise! While going into a chatgroup from UP AT
SIX there you were dear Nancy. What you are doing for our feathered friends
is absolutely wonderful.
Hildegard K. Baumbach <speck@webtv.net>
Roselle Park, NJ USA -
It's great that you are taking care of these birds. If I ever want
to get another parrot I'll check with yours or a similar site before purchasing
from a breeder. I'm happy with the ones I have for now. My wife pet sits
in our home and will keep birds while the owners are on vacation. Anyone
in our area can e-mail her at Acvpets@aol.com.
David Vickery <Rdvrock@aol.com>
Chattanooga, TN USA -
It's a great thing you are doing for the birds. Keep up the good work!
They didn't ask to be brought here, but here they are. I adopted a wild-caught
11 yr old CAG in 8/96 who was cage-bound, was able to get him onto a T-stand
and now am able to scratch his head while he sits on my lap watching TV.
I also have two 'tiels aged 9 and 12.
Pa USA -
I'm trying to find a cock a too breeder near beaumont, tx I want a
baby. I applaud your unselfishness for caring about these birds. keep it
theresa evans <teda-e@webtv.net>
orange, tx USA -
what you are doing is wonderful.
Sherri Martinez <Dmartinez@Ozip.net>
Ozark, AR USA -
I applaud what you are doing and will pass your website to my birdloving
friends. I hear horror stories from local pet store owners on the abused
and mistreated birds they see brought into their shops "FOR SALE"
people need to realize a parrot is like a child. A lot of work and a lifelong
commitment. Thanks for listening....
mt.vernon, il USA -
what a great thing you are doing.
annie montis <tripnek@gte.net>
marion, oh USA -
I think what you are doing is wonderful, I admire you for your kindness
and love that you have for these and all birds.
Jeri D.
Love the site!
Barbara Ling <btl@lingstar.com>