25 Women Who ROCK Social Media

Hey there!

Most likely, I’m still without power thanks to Hurricane Sandy (thank you Hurricane Sandy!) and hopefully have managed to survive well with my 4 kids, 2 mooses, flocks of Twitter Budgies and Mooseband.

But even if I don’t have Internet connectivity…I still want to ensure you have your reading pleasure!

So I scheduled this on Monday morning:

25 Women Who ROCK Social Media

To wit:

….A great opportunity that comes with a marketing blog that has over 50,000 subscribers is to recognize people who are doing great and interesting things. We do that in several different ways and one of the most popular is the list of 25 Women Who Rock Social Media. Check out the 2010 list for the back-story on the origination and for the initial 25 honorees. Here’s the 2011 list who nominated the amazing women below…..MORE…..


What’s truly sad for me is…

I don’t know any of them (except Huffington).

Obviously, I’m not a mover or shaker in the BIG LEAGUES!!

However, I DO know bunches of women who rock social media as far as I’m concerned!

They include:

  • Maria Gudelis
  • Tina Williams
  • Trish Gilliam
  • Shelle Kind
  • Leah Butler Smith
  • Nikki
  • Mari Smith
  • Maren Hogan
  • Cindy Battyle

These women are women marketers….who share grand ideas with regards to social media and marketing together!

Definitely worth searching out…and finding on FB…and connecting.  They rock!

What do you think?

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling


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