Click HERE To Get Profit Legacy!
It's the most agonizing situation imaginable.
A loved one passes. And it hits you like a kick to the gut.
Your world is turned upside down. And what's the natural result?
Soul-searing, heart-rending grief.
Sadly, you might have experienced this yourself.....
Your parent passes away...
You get diagnosed with a life-threatening illness..
Divorce happens....
Your treasured pet gets lost...
You lose your home... and have nowhere to go....
Grief is the natural response to loss.
And it's hell to experience.
The most basic of actions sprout a coat of energy-sucking molasses.
You are stunned.... crushed...
.... befret of hope....
... incapable of focusing on the most trivial of business activities.
And the tsunami of emotions that flatten you like roadkill ...
Horrible.... Just.... horrible.
But the thing is....
Bills STILL need to be paid.
Just tick these off in your mind:
Funeral expenses
Daily living expenses
Food expenses
Legal expenses
But here's the hell of it.... Life doesn't stop so...
Bills will always need to be paid.... and even if you're flat out unable
to work, you still have to support yourself and your family.
Even when you are smashed flat against the ground, crying your heart out...
Your business still needs to bring in money.
Your family is depending on you!!
But all is not lost.
Want to learn how?
'Course you do! But why should you listen to me?
Dear Future Looking Marketer,
It's true.
It happened... on July 4th, 2015.
Even though it wasn't unexpected....
That call.
That call at 1am in the morning.
Time just...
... stood still.
My father was gone.
And the emotional pain just blossomed....
... and grew...
But thing was....
I had to still take care of my family.
And 4 days later, on July 8th, I decided to honor him by carrying on his tradition (he was an entrepreneur and his mode of operation would have been, grieve and then get back to the business of supporting the family) and create a new product solution.
2 days after that, on July 10th, I released my Amazon Prime Day cheatsheet (which had 4 newly-created Amazon-focused products as the upsell).
2 days after that, on July 12th, it received the WarriorPlus Deal of the Day award.
13 days after my father passed, the stats were:
and the conversions were:
The front end of the product (a one page cheatsheet) started at $2.55 and ended up being around $3.40 or so.
The first upsell, Amazon Profits Family, was $7.
The upsell to that, Amazon Profits Family GOLD, was $24.
The next cross-sell, Amazon Authority, was $7.
That upsell was $17 or so.
My $97 product followed....
And I closed the funnel with PLR to the original cheatsheet for $5. Notice how 29 people bought that.
And don't forget...
4 days before I started creating it...
My father had passed away.
And grief struck me bigtime.
Not just grief, though.... so many things had to be worked through.
You've gone through such emotions as well, right?
There must have been times that your soul was crushed by emotional agony so strong...
Or caused Jaws to become an avid organic vegetarian.
But you know something?
The plain fact is...
Life always continues (unless you die)....
And that means life's requirements never stop either.
You still have to support yourself.
You still have to support your family.
You still have to be there for your loved ones who still remain!
And OMG that is so difficult indeed.
But that's what I did....
And that's what you can do as well!
Profit Legacy takes you behind the scenes...
... and pulls back the curtains on what REALLY happened
after my 90+ year old father passed away...
... how I pulled myself together to create a product
solution that went on to earn Deal of the Day....
And how you can thrive as well.
This satisfyingly complete read breaks down the entire process
into 3 powerful, hero-making journeys. You'll first read about:
This shows you what happened to me.... and
lays out the groundwork for ensuring you dont' have to
experience loss alone.
You'll be captivated by my saga about:
Prologue.) My Weapons Of Survival
Step 1.) Death Paid A Visit
Step 2.) The Fork In The Road
Step 3.) Braving The Fires
Step 4.) Thanking My Inner Hero
Each sections gives you
the behind-the-scenes look at how I refused
to give into grief.... and rose to the challenge
of supporting my family even though all I
wanted to do..... was hide.
That gives you MY background, but that's
not important.... what IS important is that
you set yourself up for the same shining
success. You then embark on:
Here, I take you on an online journey where you can prepare your future strength. Here's what you'll learn:
Before You Begin.) Your Weapons Of Survival - how to automate your business to prepare.
Step 1.) Coping With Loss - exactly WHERE to go to conquer grief and take care of business
Step 2.) Choosing Your Path - precise techniques for profitable action
Step 3.) Witnessing Your Path - how to keep going even when all seems lost
The above gives you the weapons of survival you
will need.... not now, perhaps, but in the future.
And you'll completely your hero's journey via:
This is where the rubber meets the road...
... where the coffee meets the cup....
Where you are heroically tested and will conquer all.
You'll use this when the unthinkable happens...
And you will:
The steps here are:
Before You Begin.) Dig Up Your Weapons Of Survival - They're at your finterips... no need to scurry around!
Step 1.) Focus On This Key Fact - It's what will protect your family
Step 2.) Choose The BEST Path - No longer do you have to worry if it's the right decision - you'll already know!
Step 3.) Make It Happen - You'll be able to protect your family's income
And when you've completed your quest...
Because no matter WHAT life throws at you... know you'll be prepared to keep the home fires burning...
...rise up to the challenge....
Keep your business running
Keep your family together
Keep your sanity intact
And most importantly:
And To Make This A Total No-Brainer....
I've been creating quality product solutions now
for years.... and am one of the premiere
Authority Marketers online today.
My products (like this one) fly off the shelves....
For one reason, and one reason only.
They work for the people who apply the techniques.
You see...
I didn't create this product for marketers who
have 349875 employees ready to take on their
responsibilities when they cannot...
...even when
the only person you can depend upon is you...
In other words...
People like *you*.
People who see others supporting their families online...
And I am so confident you will utterly love
this product that I am offering a 30 day money-back guarantee.
The only thing I will ask is how the product didn't
deliver exactly what was promised... I'm always looking
for ways to improve!
So the only question remaining is.....
How much is your time worth for you?
You'll have your business keep running....
... Even when grief destroys your energy and drive.
But you have to hurry!
And instead of
It's only...
Death is inevitable. At some time, you WILL be
forced to confront this soul-searing loss...
... but you can kick grief in the teeth and
continue to support those you love.
This price can increase at *any* lock it in today!
So what are you waiting for?
Gold. Sheer..Gold.
Grow strong,
Barbara Ling
PS . Sure, you could ignore this opportunity but where would you be then? When the unthinkable happens, you'll be crushed at an a loss. This powerful 45 page Product Solution will open your mind to ideas you've never considered before..... ideas that can make you money when all you want to do is hide and grieve. Your family will thank you for your foresight!!