How kids can make money on the Internet online – The beginning of the experiment


Gone are the days when kids had to depend upon lemonaide stands or girl scout cookies to make money for extra expenses!

Making money online nowadays via methodical blogging approach is so easy, a kid can do it. And of course, having made that bold statement, I need to back it up as well!

Kids and making money onlineThus, today began my kids’ “make money online” experiment. After discussing with her how one approaches blogging and monetizing, I told her to hit on a specific theme about which she thinks she could write at least one post a day. This theme turned out to be The Sims (that virtual reality thingee game thingee video thingee that is actually hugely popular).

So! The domain has been bought and she is now figuring how to use WordPress. I’ll post updates as they occur – she needs to learn and internalize:

  • How to monetize the theme
  • What plugins to add for spam proofing
  • How to find targeted niche eBay/ items she can include
  • Where to find Sims blogs
  • How to install Commentluv and other useful WP plugins
  • Methodical ways to comment and network

Should be interesting! Will she go from being a diamond in the rough to being a self-made millionaire? Time will tell!



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ps – speaking about diamonds:

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