🌠 Riding to the rescue in Google My Business?

🌠 Riding to the rescue in Google My Business?

Ever wake up one morning and think to yourself:

“Jeepers self, if only I could truly master Google My Business for all my business needs?”

Well, if so, the following article will be most intriguing indeed (and be sure to return here once you’ve finished for more great ideas):


This useful tutorial includes:

Why you need a Google My Business account

How to create a Google My Business account

How to verify your business on Google

3 ways to optimize your Google My Business profile

and more like so:

“…Keep customers informed

Don’t leave customers guessing about your business’s important details. Or leave them up to Yelp, TripAdvisor, and other review sites over which you have no control. Make sure that when someone searches for your business, they find legitimate information, straight from the source.

Your Google My Business listing includes contact information, business hours, and other essential details. You can post updates to share that you’ve expanded services, temporarily closed, or fully reopened (an especially useful feature during emergency situations like COVID-19). Google business accounts have strong local SEO, so the information you share will rank above other sites….”


“…Boost consumer confidence

A Google My Business profile lends credibility to your company. Need proof? Customers are 70% more likely to visit businesses with a Google My Business listing.

Another study found that businesses with complete listings on Google are twice as likely to earn trust from customers….”

and more!

GMB applies to offline businesses as well!

Adding a stellar Google My Business service to one’s consulting business would make for a great blog post or blueprint – you could structure it as follows:

Step 1.) Understand the benefits of Google My Business

Step 2.) Read up on all tutorials for tips and tricks regarding Google My Business

Step 3.) Add it to your consulting services!

Resources for the above include:







Your takeaway?

As Google is still the dominant search engine online, mastering Google My Business tutorials so you can offer them as an increased service simply makes good sense.

Why not try that today?


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