9/11/01 – Remembering 8 years ago


Today is 9/11, 8 years after the World Trade Center towers were destroyed.

My town lost a large number of people that day….and I hope that some year, we as a human species will evolve past the point of needing to terrorize one another to get our points across.

If you’d like to learn the background of 9/11, here are some resources I found for you.

Site for 9/11/01 Remembrance

Timeline and Historic Sites about 9/11

Victims of 9/11

Life After 9/11 Stories

After 9/11 Stories

Building on Ground Zero

Life after 9/11

Roselle the Guide Dog Who Did What She Was Supposed To Do

Eight Years After 9/11: Why Osama bin Laden Failed – TIME

PBS – Life after 9/11

9/11 Blogs

and finally:

Never forget 9/11…the consequences of that are far too high to contemplate.

Best wishes,

Barbara Ling


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