Well, chalk this weekend up to something I’d be happy never to experience again.
‘Course, it be life, and life happens…and the end results were quite good as well!
Still, though, ’twas HUGELY character-building.
But I did learn the following rather important thingees!
Support comes from the most unexpected places
As well as folks on my business profile reaching out to me, I had people read my evening newsletter and respond one-on-one to me.
That….was huge. And powerful. And very much appreciated.
Always listen to the meaning BEHIND the words
It was a simple discussion with Honorable Daughter II and me that started the whole day wanting to spin out of control. Thing is, though, she was 100% correct….it could have been addressed differently but the love our family has for one another pulled us thru.
End result was fantastic growth on all of our parts….VERY grateful that it all happened. Also grateful it happened on the one day I gave myself permission to take off.
Always give others permission to be themselves…and change your own behavior instead
If you find you no longer value your past relationships as before, or if your friends move to a different friendship level…that’s okay. A headsup would be nice, of course, but life…it happens.
And you move on.
- Change your own expectations.
They’re definitely changed on my end.
So what are the results? I have a bleepload of work to accomplish – my next product is behind schedule because I just bagged work entirely on Sunday. I’ve let go of some things and some people which is all to the good as well…..
So bring it on, Life….I’m ready for you. How about you?
Grow strong,
Barbara Ling