Attack of the Dreaded Internet Marketing BlorgyToes!


My mom is always fond of saying, if it’s going to happen to anyone,  it will happen to my daughter.

For over 40 years…she’s been right!  🙂

Now, if you’ve been following my blog for awhile, you’ll know that I often revert to LingSpeak (which is the words and phrases me and me kids devise to describe bizarre situations).

And “blorgytoes” is definitely one of them!

“Blorgytoes” is the genteel way of saying <insert massive quantities of the F word and S word and A word and T word and all of the other 22 letters! word>.

And let me tell you, yesterday my business was visited by a plague of robustly vicious blorgytoes indeed!

Apparently….my optin forms all of a sudden started sending out confirmation emails (but as they’re set up as straight web-based optins, I did NOT set up the confirmation emails).

So…..I asked Honorable Daughter I to export all my lists (done!) and today will be looking into EITHER Getresponse or Office Automation.

Thing is, I’m MASSIVELY moving my business to the next level ANYWAYS…so I think I’ll choose to view this as an opportunity to kick myself in the forward direction!

A plague of blorgytoes it was …. a horrendously frustrating plague.

Given the fact I’m getting ready to start promoting my email marketing webinar, I do suppose it’s timely indeed!

‘Sides that, life is going along grand….there are two excellent launches today, one by Cindy Battye of IM Wealth Builders (Covert Video Press) and one by William Murray (Facebook Timeline Goodies!).  Can’t wait to tell my list about those – sterling quality all the way.

Ankle-wise, doctors appointment has been scheduled for next week!  I was blessed that a grand friend of mine figurately slapped me upside the head about how AFTER recovery, I’ll still be the same ‘ole Barbara Ling, so why the hell am I angsting NOW?

True words those are….true indeed.

Anywhos, that be me update for today!  Going to continue to develop on all business fronts…..really appreciate the way life is turning out.

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling


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