You know, I STILL have to build Who Hired Bob. Haven’t yet done that, wah!
But I digress! I have simply splendiforous news to share!
But before I dive ear-first into that, let me first reveal the wonders of new ideas being bounced around at the forums.
First off, my lovely morning goodies of Brownies morphed into Broccoli. Don’t ask me how, just see for yourself at
Go figure. But the forum folk seem to like it, so I’ll keep the idea alive and kicking.
Other great posts include:
- How to I create good looking optin boxes
- Darken a page and then show a signup?
- How do I make a squeeze page?
- Free Layout Programs
- What are some must-have WordPress plugins?
- Comment Relish – Keep readers coming back
- WordPress or Blogger or Typepad or …
All in all, the forums are doing peachy! Why not join the fun yourself? You can learn more at the Why Join the vCoach Forums? page.
The highlight of my day, however, was the conclusion of the incredible Washing Machine From Heck story about which I had written a day or two ago!
I documented everything over at
Agonizing death of the washing machine
You’ll love reading it – do click over! The end result is my washing machine was fixed for free and now I have the utter joy and excitement of pouncing upon 4 loads of laundry today.
And all because of the miracles of Twitter!
In other news, family is peachy, mooses are peachy, Twitter Budgies are peachy….life is peachy! To add more humor to the forums, I’m thinking of letting my MIT-educated Twitter Budgies and Mooses join the forums too…but I’ll have to think of a logical way to introduce them. Specify my forums are so pet-friendly we want to hear from them too?
It’s something on which to think.
And that was me Wednesday,
Barbara Ling