Beef up YOUR hiring appeal with these free resources

Get your knowledgeMorning all,

One of the best ways to stay head and shoulders above the thundering herd is to offer companies/corporations something only YOU can deliver.  And if you’re competing against dozens of other highly-qualified folk for a key new employment position…you simply HAVE to possess an ace in the hole.

Here’s one way to do so….learn!  Teach yourself…for free! 

Were you aware that hundreds if not thousands of tutorials exist online from which you can benefit for free?  Everything from technology to training dogs to selling combines to … you name it, the resources and quick tips are there for those with the courage to seize them with both hands.

Take selling combines!  Yes, combines, those thingees that help farmers harvest their big huge football-field-sized fields.  Did you know about the Combine sweet spot?  Heck, did you even KNOW combines HAD a sweet spot? 

Well…they do!  The "sweet spot" is the where the machine is operating at full capacity and maximum efficiency.  And there are several techniques farmers can employ to bring their machines to this hallowed place….thus helping them become more efficient and cost-effective to boot. 

Now, if YOU were a salesman for combines, being able to "talk the talk" to that precise detail certainly would help make that personal connection so important in buying decisions, wouldn’t you say?

And IF you were applying for that salesman position, being able to rattle off 7 bona-fide steps to bring a machine to sit up and beg would certainly impress the interviewer, wouldn’t you agree?

‘course you would!  Because you’re a smart savvy individual as well….and you know that profitable knowledge is one of the most precious things you can offer a potential employer.

So!  Prior to going on an interview or for a client consultation….research just what the requirements are and then go out of your way to educate yourself about them.  2 nifty tutorial sites include:

Visit them now…you’ll see what I mean.

Remember, with the economy as lousy as it is today, you need every possible edge you can generate when it comes to shining above the rest.  Be proactive and make that happen today…your future income will thank you.


Barbara Ling


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