Compel a Mentor to CRAVE you – Part II

CraveNOTE!  The following is a snippet from one of my paid Virtual Coach eclasses that will be released sometime this year.  Enjoy!


Yesterday I began my series on the benefits of mentors and you…and how they can help pulverize many of the learning curves that are waiting to consume your time and money.

A question now arises!  Let’s say that you have found a potential mentor….let me now ask you. 

What do you have to offer?

What do you have to offer to a potential mentor?  How can you convince someone you’ve never even met that you are the real McCoy, and worthy of attention?

Remember, industry leaders and successful business folk get requests daily from other entrepreneurs like yourself to joint venture or market together.  And even if you’ve been a success in one field, don’t count on that reputation to proceed you when you venture into fresh new fields!

Interestingly enough, money might not be the main motivator for someone to be a mentor. 

Mentors are inquisitive, nurturing folk who want to see someone like you successful.  They can then tell their network that their students achieved more than they ever had dreamed!   Ergo, their reputation as being a solid community leader is enhanced as well.

So back to my main question.  What do YOU have to offer?  Some things might include:

  • Innovative idea of which the mentor immediately sees the value
  • High probability of customer sales that will result in more business for him or her (tell your mentor-to-be that you will market their ideas/products/services ahead of everyone else’s when you are successful)
  • Complementary product that rounds out what your mentor currently offers

Once you’ve located someone online you’d like to become your mentor, you can:

Draft an introductory email

Once you know what you have to offer, sit down and compose a document that outlines exactly how you’ll approach potential mentors. 

  • Introduce yourself! 
  • Explain how you located them.
  • Compliment them on their accomplishments! 

Then, move into why you’re contacting them NOW. 

You’re an entrepreneur who wants to provide their industry with solutions.  You have the drive, you have the dedication, you want to make sure you produce what their colleagues desire more than anything else.

This is a fine point that bears repeating.  The more solutions you provide, the better value you give to the industry and your customers, and the more cache your mentor obtains.

After you’ve finished composing the file, put it away for some hours.  Then look at it again with a fresh mind.  If you’re part of a network of entrepreneurs, ask them for input.

Here’s a sample of what I used before I created The Real Estate Pro’s Internet Edge back in 2000.


My name is Barbara Ling, and I ‘m an expert on using the Internet for locating resources.  You can see my credentials at ; you’ll notice I’m a subject matter expert in this particular field.

I am confident I can write a book that will teach REALTORS how to make money on the Internet in their profession.  I’ve been searching for a leader in this industry for this topic, and came across your name as the creator of The Real Estate Cyberspace Society (and quite a comprehensive site it is!).

I’d like to chat with you about your views on this idea. 

Lots of REALTORS know about the Internet, but don’t have a blueprint on how to use it to make money in this medium.  Since I’m not a REALTOR by trade, I want to ensure that your colleagues get the answers they desire in my product.  Might I call you at your convenience? 

Best wishes,

Barbara Ling

NOTE – the above is the actual email I sent long long ago.

What you’re doing in the above is getting yourself comfortable in the roll of ASKING for advice.  Not begging, not appearing desperate, but simply asking.

Practice saying it.  You’ll find it a wonderful ice-breaker when contacting your potential mentor. 


Because industry leaders have done their time in the trenches, and know what it’s like to work their way up.  By acknowledging their credentials (leader in the industry) while showcasing your expertise (your About Me page that demonstrates your knowledge), you’re coming across as a potential win-win relationship.

And that of course, is a Very Good Thing indeed!


Barbara Ling

ps – speaking about contacting folks on the Internet, have you seen these Internet-ready phones?



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