A Blindingly Simple Way To Increase Your eMail Marketing Optins via Facebook

Good morning!

As a valiant and trusty marketer online, of *course* you want to deliver top quality to your list and increase the overall customer satisfaction.


‘course right!

And here’s one very simple trick to do it!

Ensure your update/posts are *timely*.

Wanna know how?

I just came across this superDeDuper nifty post by aWeber:

And it’s brilliant!

To wit:

What are the advantages to scheduling a Facebook post?

  • The time that inspiration strikes you might not coincide with when your audience is on Facebook. So, instead of posting your thoughts immediately, schedule for a more optimal time.
  • Are you planning an event? Create a series of promotional Facebook posts, and schedule them at various times leading up to your event.
  • As you browse the Internet and come across interesting articles, go ahead share with your Facebook followers – but spaced out over time to maintain regular interaction….MORE….

Doesn’t that make PERFECT sense?

So!  I researched out some other resources to help you master this:


How can YOU use this for your own email marketing?


Are you going to promote a product launch?

  • Use the pre-launch swipes (customize them of course) and schedule them to your page.

Are you offering a contest?

  • Create a 5 day “Reasons to Enter” sequence and schedule those to your page too!

Do you have a 7 Day eClass that’s already IN an autoresponder sequence?

  • HELLO!  REUSE!  Neat!


*Timing* can be everything….and Facebook schedule posts makes it, dare I say, as easy as using your own autoresponder sequences.

Something to think about, aye?  🙂

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling


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