Free Make Money ebook downloads

Beginners Make Money CookbookEven seasoned probloggers and master site builders can miss the forest for the adorably magnificent trees.

Last week, I decided to give away free copies of my book The Beginners Make Money Cookbook with no strings attached.  I made certain to make it blazingly obvious on my Welcome and Best Benefits page, my Why Subscribe page and several others.

And then!  Then!  Then I say!  Then I read the comment over at You’re too freakin’ old to learn how to make money with a blog – HAH! the following:

Just came across this post and downloaded your book – great material. You should put the Complimentary download more visible on your sidebar too – just a suggestion.

 Argh!  The mind, she reels!  The Barbara, she is an idjut!  I can’t BELIEVE I forgot to do that!

Oh well, these things happen.  Hence this post!

Ther’s no strings attached – you don’t have to sign up for my newsletter, subscribe to my feed or anything like that.

Just save the file to your computer, double click it, open it and enjoy! It’s a pdf file, so if you need a free PDF reader, grab one here. And if you like the book, share it with your friends! Not only does it describe 14 different ways of making money online, it also gives you direct links to online tutorials for computer skills like maximizing affiliate commissions, building pages, building blogs, finding free graphics and more.  And if you benefit from it, feel free to share it with your friends.

As the days go by, I’ll be adding more and more goodies for you to download.



#BEGIN highlights of this blog writing post:

Beginners make money tips: Download my 200+ page ebook Beginners Make Money for free and enjoy.

Intermediate and/or Advanced make money tips: Share it with your friends!

#END highlights of this blog writing post

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ps – speaking about ebooks:


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