High SEO Tip – Stick with the classics and do NOT game Google!

Local SEO


Want a quick high SEO tip?

Don’t Game Google – Stick with the SEO classics instead

Wasn’t that simple?

I’ve been doing SEO now since 1997 (back when Infospace did real time indexing, amind you), and for the past 12 years, the following has been delightfully true.

Optimize your headers, your URL, your title, your internal links and your content structure…and chances are, that BY ITSELF will shoot your SEO (especially long-tailed SEO) quite high indeed.

True, there’s much more than site creation and structure involved for attaining high SEO….but you certainly can NOT go wrong by embracing the classic ideas!

Here’s some great SEO Tutorials nd SEO Tips you can enjoy.

Don’t try to game Google!  Sure, you might see great results for a week or two, but trust me…eventually Google WILL find and whomp your site with great pain and authority.

(How do I know this?  It happened to me 5 years ago….and wow, did I learn my lesson!)

Remember..the SEO classics…still rule!

Always take advantage of that when building your sites.


Barbara Ling

ps – speaking about SEO, have you seen:


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