It had to happen, didn't it?
Your friend whom you cherish was having a bad day, and you wanted to cheer her up bigtime! So you scouted about online for a humorous cartoon to raise her spirits and then realized…my gosh, she's away from the computer, how on earth can you get that photo FROM your computer TO her cell phone?
Without Bluetooth, I might add?
Well! That recently happened to me and I discovered…the answer is amazingly simple indeed!
Here's how you do it.
Step 1.) Find out what mobile phone carrier your friend uses.
It's easy to do; just search for it at Complete instructions are at One Step Way To Find Your Cell Phone Carrier.
Once you have the cell phone carrier, move to:
Step 2.) Find out what the email domain is.
I wrote bunches about this over at Simple way to send a text message to a cell phone FROM your computer.
After completing Step 2., you should know the email address of your friends' phone. Now, all you need to do is:
Step 3.) Send an email from your mail program to the cell phone email, and attach the photo/image in question.
Remember that image you found? Well, first save it to your computer, and then open your email program.
Create a new message that's addressed to the cell phone email in question.
Write some descriptive text (ie, "Hope this cheers you up!"), and make sure to attach the image in the email.
Then send it and voila! You're done!
Your friend will receive your pick-me-up on her cell phone and it will REALLY raise her spirits bigtime indeed.
Nice, eh?
Barbara Ling