I have but one question.
Ever wish your family just plain understood?
Sure, I’ll bet that your friends and family and other loved ones might emotionally support you and your efforts for doing business online.
But….do they REALLY understand?
ie, do they REALLY know what it’s like to:
- Spend an hour writing a blog post to which nobody comments
- Buy a product that promises to show you HOW to be successful online…only to discover that it requires you to have skills you KNOW you will not master
- Try to add free newsletters to your site to build up subscribers
- Experience hours on Twitter/Facebook trying to build up your community
- Dedicate days to making your own ebook/infoproduct only to see that it doesn’t sell
- Prepare for weeks for a new blog/site launch only to discover nobody really cares
Such things are painful.
I mean REALLY painful. I’ve experienced all of them myself…and wow, while being character-building in the extreme, it’s truly lousy to go thru.
The above is one reason why I created the Virtual Coach Income Fitness Forums, mind you – I wanted one place where I could go for comfort without worrying that I’ll be laughed at or what have you. Click below to see what I mean.
Where else can you go for support?
Luckily, the Internet is replete with quality support places for your own particular niche!
All you have to do is use Google and search for
- niche community
- niche forum
Go out there and SEARCH! Chances are, you’ll find a fantastic community just targeted to your niche…where you can share all of your fears and goals as well.
Remember, one of the benefits you have to being online is you are NOT alone.
You are no less strong for wanting support; you are no less capable for wanting people to understand what you’re going thru.
But it’s up to YOU to be proactive and make that first step.
And remember, if you’d like…I’ll be walking side-by-side as you as well. We were ALL beginners at some time…it’s a position worthy of honor.
Barbara Ling