BarbLing note – I just received this email 7 minutes ago and… It was in response to one of my eMails to my list.
I’ll bet it will touch your heart too… Barbara Ling
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“Barb, your message today touched me deeply. I wanted to take a moment to reply to it, personally.
You and I have “known” each other around the periphery of marketing and social media. Maybe a better word would be “awareness”.
Your message called to me to share something with you. I hope it helps.
The transformative energies through which all sentient beings are now traversing are changing everything. All that is not in service to Light (aka “goodness”) will be transformed until it is.
What you have just experienced is a good example of how that works (and while I can’t know all the specifics, your description of it fits perfectly with what I’m saying here.) Friends who are not changing at the same pace and speed that we are, will drop away. In this way, it is a protection as well as a “sorting out” — not unlike the Hogwarts Sorting Hat. Now that I think of it, it is EXACTLY like the Sorting Hat. You will not be required (nor allowed, really) to spend any more time with those who are not feeding and nurturing your growth and development, your journey towards joy and wholeness and wholeSOMEness.
Anything that is not a good match with who you are becoming, will soon leave our experience. And overall that is a good thing.
The upside of it, is as you noted well, that you are attracting new relationships with people who can and will support and nurture and befriend you in ways that are much more appropriate for who you’re becoming and for who your soul wants you to be.
I see this everywhere. Including my own life. I had to part ways with a 20-year business relationship when it became painfully clear that he was only taking and not giving anything back; he had zero interest in helping me. It wasn’t reciprocal.
Therefore? Gone. Byebye. I took a 6-figure loss and am still putting the new pieces back together.
But you know what? It was a breath of fresh air. I found out who my friends REALLY are.
And they are beautiful. My new work is beautiful. Life is good and getting better.
Barb, while you don’t know me well (yet), I hope I’ve helped to provide comfort, inspiration, truth, peace, and sometimes a laugh or two. I admire your tenacity (and wish you wouldn’t always push yourself so hard, to your own detriment sometimes.) And I will be here for you in any ways I can, when I can.
Just wanted to give you a huge cyber-hug today and cheer you on while you learn a sobering truth: sometimes we have to let go of old friends, when we are outgrowing them and need a stronger support system. Tell them The Sorting Hat sent you somewhere else this time
You deserve to get at least as good as you give. Let the sunshine IN!!!
With love, peace and kindness,
Nancy Boyd
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Nancy….thank you *so* much for sharing. You touched my heart. Beautifully.
Grow strong,
Barbara Ling