Online Marketing Mastery Event by Mario Brown – May 2nd to 5th 2013, Will I See YOU there?

Are you attending Mario Brown’s Online Marketing Mastery Event?

It’s in San Diego this May 2nd to May 5th, 2013….and I’ll be there!

Here’s why I’m attending it…and why I HIGHLY (as in MOST MASSIVELY) recommend you do, too (if you’re looking to take your online marketing to the next level).

It’s the *key*.

How, I hear you ask?

Well, first off, Mario Brown, the guy putting this on, walks the walk he talks:


If that’s not impressive, I don’t know what is.

I first met Mario Brown at Dennis Becker’s Earn1KaDay event back in August of 2012.

He gave an hour long talk about from where he came, where he was then, and where he was going.  So incredibly inspirational…and that afternoon, I bought the domain name that his ideas inspired.

Mario recommended….find a niche and *dominate* it.

That was the catalyst for me dominating eMail marketing.

I never forgot it.

Well!  From May 2nd to May 5th (actually, I’ll be there several days before/after), Mario is hosting the

Frank Kern and Mike Filsaime will be Keynoting as well!

For me, I take my online marketing *seriously*…. and I’m ready to move to the next level.

Are you?

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How To Create & Run Highly Successful Webinars
  • How To Create Powerful Products Fast & Easy
  • How To Start High End Coaching Programs
  • How to Create Membership Sites From Scratch
  • How to launch a powerful Software company

And then you’ll move to:

  • How to build a list from scratch
  • How to find and manage your team of contractors and outsourcers efficiently
  • How to set up your business the right way
  • How to manage your time and be more productive
  • How to promote & run profitable live events

Next, look at:

  • How to cash in as local marketing consultant (rep mgm, Mobile etc)
  • Exact Resources that I use ‘secret file’ of providers
  • How to create a powerful sales funnel
  • How to systemize your Online Marketing Business
  • How to structure a successful Product Launch

And get this:

  • How to bond with your list on a deeper level for higher sales
  • How to get your emails opened
  • Swipe File of my best subject lines
  • How to build a powerful story
  • How to differentiate and create a unique selling proposition
  • How to attract the most powerful JV partners and Guru’s

Sure looks pretty impressive to me…indeed.

So!  If you’re ready to take the next step with your online success…

Click HERE to register!

And I’ll see you…in San Diego.


Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

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