I Flung Myself OFF the Cliff and Watch My New Wings Unfold Beautifully!

Oh wow, what a day!

This morning, I found myself awake at 2:40am and unable to get back to sleep.

And after trying and failing to count slumbering moosies, here’s what I wrote.

Reflection time!

These past 3 months have been extremely awesome for me, tremendous growth! I think, though, I’m at another phoenixing level – I recognize I am massively uncomfortable with where I am right now today and want to grow my business, well, better.

I think today will be a “take a step back, write up exactly where I am, write up exactly where I want to be” and then brainstorm with Ben Adkins and Brad Spencer and Colin Theriot and Donald Wilson and Dennis Becker and Debbie Benstein on the best way/time table to get there.

I have tried calendars twice now to no avail, so I need to zero in on *how* to make them work for me. 

So here is my action plan for today.

1.) Sleep until 6am. 

2.) Wake up, write down where I am and where I want to be by close of 2013.

3.) Write down how I perceive myself/my strengths/what I have best to give.

4.) Write down what I perceive I need to *learn*.

5.) Once I can crystallize me *to* me, I can then ask for guidance.

That is my priority for the day. Always learning – good stuff indeed.

Then before 7am, I read Colin’s writing:

The first couple of times I spoke in front of a crowd, I was very nervous. After a ways through the talk, you sort of warm up and forget to be scared. But I hated that feeling of being very nervous beforehand, and having to get over it. I wanted to be more comfortable. Part of that had to come with being looser and less reliant on being perfectly prepared. 

So I took an opportunity to do a weekly video chat show, where I deliberately prepared less and less and eventually became comfortable enough to do an entire hour-long show live, with no script and no notes, and still get very positive feedback from attendees.

Hugely inspiring.   My next step AT 7am was:

Want to tame FB?

I’m holding a free Marketing Cafe webinar today at 10am EST that will give you a simple way to organize all your FB activities! Sign up atwww2.gotomeeting.com/register/868725146 – see you there!

Yep…I gave myself 3 hours to put on an impromptu webinar.  🙂

It went okay, I must say….35 people signed up, 22 showed and it was 23 minutes in length.

So phase one of me getting me out of my comfort boundaries…success!

The next step, completed at 4pm or so, was:


10 hours ago, I publicly committed myself to my reflection time over at www.facebook.com/barbara.ling.entrepreneur/posts/10151589153416474 .

10 hours later, here’s where I am.

* 1.) Props to Colin Theriot – he wrote in his rather awesome Cult of Copy group that one of the best ways to get comfortable at something was to keep doing said something, again and again.

So at 7am, I paused before taking my kids to school, and set up a quick FB webinar ( www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151589385226474&set=a.10150390986036474.413456.593246473&type=1 ) for 10am today. 35 people registered, 22 showed up, and it was 23 minutes in length. Got lots of good feedback and recognized an area where repetition will definitely help.

* 2.) Next, I started working out backwards on my calendar, starting from 4/13/13 (ideally my next scheduled release, props toBrad Spencer for the backwards recommendation). From doing that, I realized I need to *also* schedule out copy review times, graphics review times, coaching review times, coffee review times and all that. I’m working on that now (I’m still wrestling with calendars; Ben Adkins also shared some excellent suggestions)

* 3.) Then I started scheduling out in my calendar….webinars. I found out I *love* doing webinars. I want to get BETTER at doing webinars! And that means…more webinars!

Promoting these webinars, however….. that will be the challenge!

And that’s where I am right now. Stay tuned!


But my growing did NOT stop there.

I realized…I need to change the way I do email marketing…I need to consider attraction marketing as well as push marketing!

Which gave birth to:

Really Satisfying Stories!

I had such a great time with my impromptu webinar, I’m doing it again! But this time, giving you MORE than 3 hours notification! 🙂

Title: “Really Satisfying Stories – How To Use RSS To Give You The Marketing Edge”
Date: Friday, March 22, 2013
Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT

Reserve your spot at:

You’ll love what you earn!

I’m pretty certain I know the next steps…but it does have to crystallize in my mind.

So to recap:

This morning…

  • I woke up uncomfortable.
  • Then I publicly committed myself to changing.
  • Then I scheduled an impromptu webinar to force myself out of comfort boundaries.
  • I worked on my calendar…
  • And realized I needed to change my eMail marketing.
  • RSS is part of the answer…but to do that, I need to start broadcasting the benefits of it.
  • So presto chango – a new webinar!  Is born!


And that….was my day.

How was yours?

Can’t wait to see the future unfold…..

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling


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