3 Simple RSS Tricks You Need To Copy Right Now!

Are you familiar with RSS?

If not, oh WOW I hope you’re sitting down because you’re going to LOVE what you learn!!

See, RSS (Really Superb Storytelling, or in real life, Really Simple Syndication), is simply a way of getting up-to-the-minute updates from the Internet….to you.

It gives you these two cool benefits:

  • It PUSHES your content to OTHER social Properties like FB, Tumblr,  Pinterest…. (where it can be picked up via Search engines)
  • It PULLS OTHER site headlines….to YOU (ie, your Google feedreader at google.com/reader or theoldreader.com/.

You are only limited by your imagination!

And the cool thing about it…it’s sooo easy to implement.

Let me give you 3 easy RSS tricks you can use right now to increase your marketing reach…without any extra effort on your part.

First off, want an easy way to understand RSS?

It’s SUCH a timesaver….so cool!

And for your tricks:

Trick #1.)  Add your fav Youtube Channels or Searches to your FeedReader!

Do you have celebrities you love following on YouTube, or niche experts, or the like?

If so, add this feed:


where you replace THECHANNELNAME with the user in question.


Want something equally as cool?  You can also add Youtube Searches to your reader:




Trick #2.) Broadcast OUT your FB Fan Page Content to Tumblr for Free

Did you know your Facebook Fan page has its own RSS?

It’s easy to find:

The first step you need to do is find the Facebook numeric ID.

Visit findmyfacebookid.com/ and plugin the FB page, ie,

Plug that in and voila:

Once you have your FB Page ID, you plug it into this:


While The Coffee Is Perking:

Service Moosies:

And once you have your FB Fan Page RSS, you can plug *that* into

and automatically broadcast send that out.  Nice!

And finally:

Trick #3.)  Gather Niche RSS to ALWAYS Be Ahead!


Look at my FB wall updates:

Time To Rethink FB?

NEWLY Discovered Inbound Links Tool:

What do these show?

They show I am FIRST to market with niche updates!

But how did I do that?

Simple – I used….THIS.

That’s my OWN personal Google Feed Reader….and as you can tell, I have over 1,000 feeds I’ve broken down into specific categories.

Any time I want an update…it’s THERE for me!

And believe it or not…the above is only a smattering of the goodness you can do with RSS.

Want to learn more?

I’m holding a FREE RSS Webinar today 3/22/13 at 4pm EST where not only will I share more great ideas about how RSS can benefit you….but I’ll also be offering a way to grab my OWN personal RSS package as well!

Hope to see you there!  Sign up for free now at


You’ll love what you learn!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

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