As The Washing, Machines! (or, How To Own Up When You’re An Idjut)

Do you remember my washing machine sagas of 4 years ago?

Well hold onto your socks because here’s the latest installment!

As you might know, a few days ago my washing machine decided my home required a lagoon, and happily shed tears of joy over my humble abode (ie ponds of water formed in my laundry room).

When I made my repair appointment, I was told that it would be $75 for the visit (subtracted if I had work done) plus labor costs, BUT! I could opt for a years’ protection plan for only $247 that covered all! Idjut me didn’t take into account that ‘labor costs’ was fixed, plus I figured that the issue was only a hose, so I declined.

Well! Service tech came by and told me the issue was the plastic pump that apparently was fed aged quarters (turns out 9 of them) by my various/sundry children. Pump will cost $150 or so, labor was fixed at $130 or so, final cost would be $300 or so. WAAHHHHH!!!!!!!

At that moment, idjut me called up Sears and complained, “….but I wasn’t TOLD the labor price is fixed! WAH!” And of course, social media mediaizer I was, I immediately…

What do you think I did?

Find out at the Thrilling Conclusion over at by clicking on Sears below!

Click here!

What a story, aye?  Sure did learn me lesson!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling


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