Sunday 16th year wedding anniversary!

Morning everyone,

Today is my 16th wedding anniversary!

The husband and I celebrated by going to our favorite Chinese dimsum restaurant and actually (get this!) relaxing a bit from the frantic pace of the prelaunch.  It was very enjoyable indeed!

16 years, a plethora of kids, 2 mooses, 12 Twitter budgies and overall, a very contented happy marriage – it’s a pretty good achievement in this day and age.

I’m very lucky – I’ve had for myself a superb roll model in MY parents – this year is their 57th wedding anniversary.

Life is very good in this aspect.  🙂

In other news, the Income Fitness prelaunch is humming along great!  I’m almost done with the Income Fitness affiliate marketing tutorial and will announce that when it’s completed.

Forum-wise, check out:

and lots others.  Good stuff is being shared!

And that’s me Sunday,

Barbara Ling

ps – Grab your free bonuses now!


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