The Broccoli Bunny, Sharing Freely and More

Broccoli Bunny!Morning!

Today is Easter!  For those who celebrate it, I hope it turns out to be a wonderful time with friends and family!  Over here in LingLand, I packed the kids and the mooses into the minivan with the husband and we visiting my folks and enjoyed a great lunch at the Chinese Buffet.  Came home, the kids decompressed, and I started work.  (Oh, and no, the Broccoli Bunny didn’t visit, but did send a coupon for Cold Stone Creamery.  🙂  ).

Overall, it was a very enjoyable weekend indeed!  We attended Medieval Times yesterday and my kids just lapped it up.  Today, I wrote the posts:

Okay true, it did follow a theme, but there was a reason for that!!  🙂  Read the first post and you’ll see.

I converted the Fitness Brainery site to a Fitness Marketing site and have to do the same thing for my diet site as well.  Oh yes, and I also wrote

and did my usual stumbles/tweetings too.

I’m currently procrastinating – I have to finalize my latest ebook, tie it into my site, incorporate aMember and my affiliate program, decide how I want to offer premium content, AND build my forum as well.  The mind gets numb at the amount of work I’m facing…but I know it will all fall into place at the right time.

Have a great Sunday everyone,

Barbara Ling

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