The Great Eyeglasses SCAM – Simple Ways to AVOID Being Ripped Off

Eyeglass scam begone!


QUICK!  What do you get when you combine a pair of kitchen scissors, a $10 bill and a need for new eyeglasses?

Watch the below video to find out!  Tons of humor included.  🙂

Wow, wasn’t that truly an otherwordly bizarre experience? 

But it is indeed true….your eyeglass frames cost so darned much because of the insane marketing/advertising costs that are required even to get the blasted product to your attention (let alone, get you to buy).

And that, to me, is a crying shame (wah!).

But!  There is indeed hope!  Besides Costco and Walmart and Sams Club, check out these nifty resources I found for you:

And get this!  Would you believe that, like the big huge mattress scam industry, all of those nifty neat retail outlets like

LensCrafters, Pearle Vision, Sears Optical, Target Optical, EyeMed Vision Care, Sunglass Hut, Watch Station and Watch World…

are owned by ONE parent company called Luxottica?

Check it out yourself – Getting to know Luxottica Retail.

Amazing, isn’t it?  All the different brand name stores are owned by the SAME company.

It warms my little marketing heart to a T.  🙂

Anywhos!  Other ways to get your frames at a discount include the online eyeglass store like:

Frames Direct

EyeBuy Direct


Click Here to Save with

Just remember – it makes big huge amounts of brilliant sense to do your research FIRST….prior to laying out your hard-earned money for something that could be had for a fraction of the price….if only you knew WHERE to look.

Well…now you do.  Enjoy!  🙂

Barbara Ling

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