The past week of wonders!

My gosh, it’s already Saturday!  How time flies indeed.

Hope your week has been as, ahem, exciting as mine!!  For the most part, it was supremely super news, but let’s first get the ick stuff out of the way.

My ankle is still giving me major problems.  🙁  And idjut that I am, I’m kinda sorta resisting getting it checked out…something for which I’d be most perturbed at my kids if they were that foolish!!

I suppose I plain just don’t want to deal with this delightful fact of life (shades of my own mom!).  But summer is coming as is Camp Ling 2009…and that requires me to be up and active.  So ignoring it won’t make it go away.

Mental note to mommy – contact orthopedics today.

In other splendiforous news, my washing machine was fixed yet again and (get this!) this time, the 3rd time is the charm!!  Yay!!!!!!  You can read about my Agonizing Death of me Washing Machine over at me forums; short story is, the heroic Sears Customer Care heard about my tale of woe from various tweets of mine last month….and after a pump replacement, it appears all problems are gone.  Here’s hoping it stays that way!

Workwise, things are peachy indeed – some new forum topics include:

and other goodies too.

Family-wise, no problems there! 

Oh yes, there WAS what happened a few days ago – Honorable Boy II was showing quite a lack of discipline with regards to karate, so I busted him back down to a senior purple belt (ie, one level lower than the rest of the family).

Shocked some of the parents, let me tell you…but HB2 simply was showing a half-buttocked attempt at class and wasn’t worthy of the belt color he had earned.  So….after giving him a warning, I took away his belt.

Never challenge Mom, you see….Mom always follows up.

Anywhos, an hour of crying and cuddling and explaining consequences ensued, and I’m happy to report the past three days have shown a marked level of improvement.  If he stays the course, I’ll return his proper belt to him next Friday.  It was a tough lesson, but all the other Ling kids united in showing HB2 they believed in him as well. 

All in all, it was a gamble…but it certain does seem to be working out.

This week should be restful, she said, laughing hysterically.  🙂  Oh yes, and I created some new lenses – lookie at:

Cute Adorable Parakeet Tricks

I’ll probably make a Twitter Budgie lens off that too.  🙂

And that was me week,

Barbara Ling

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