Have YOU been cultivating Twitter Vines lately?

Good morning!

Have you starting growing your Vines?

This is a nifty coolio Twitter app thingee that was launched a few months ago – it allows you to create 6 second looping videos (you can get more info here!).





Cool stuff!

These uses for this, as you can imagine, are only limited by your imagination.

Want more goodies about it?  Check out:

And don’t forget:

So why would you want to *use* Twitter Vines?

Well, it gives you a very easy way to create short, snappy 6 second videos that can grab your audiences’ attention!

Remember, today’s social audience likes informational bursts…and video can take hours and hours and hours indeed.  Twitter Vines makes it super-easy to snap “Hey!  Lookie at Me!” clips…and then hyperlink them to your REAL destination.

End result?  You’ve made an impact.

What do YOU with that impact….it’s up to you.

Pretty savvy, aye?

So how will you use it? I’d love to know!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling


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