81+ Enchanting Power StumbleUpon Destinations Waiting For Your Eyes Only


Every now and then, yours truly (ie, the coffee-deprived poor soul who is still fantasizing about her coffee maker returning from the Land of the Dead), gets slapped upside the headed regarding RIT (really important things)!

I had joined Stumbleupon, oh, gee, months ago…but never really got my rear in gear to take advantage of its wholesome magnificence!  During the past 3 hours, I’ve been patiently wending my way thru all the Stumbleupon goodness that exists online…so of course, I have to write a blog post about it.  Hope you find it useful!


To begin, let’s consider:

NOTEFollow me on my Stumble Network!  Or that only on Twitter?  🙂

My SU page is owlbert.stumbleupon.com .  I’d love to network with you!  

That out of the way, dive directly into:

NOTE!Free Stumbleupon Tutorials

StumbleRush GoodiesToday I signed up for the free, supremely well-done Stumble Rush Tutorial by Caroline Middlebrook.  10 of her lessons are offered for free, and let me tell you…they knocked me socks off!  I’m sockless (something that truly amused my children).  I can highly recommend her stuff.

Next, I came across these following useful sites as well!

Stumbleupon tutorials and guides are wonderful, definitely do check them out.

Next, let’s delve bravely into:

NOTE!Advanced Stumbleupon Tips

and yeehah, don’t forget:

NOTE!Joyful Stumbleupon Goodness

not to mention the heart-pounding excitement awaiting you at

Stumbleupon and the iPhone!

But wait!  There’s more!  Check out:

NOTE!Exciting Stumbleupon Plugins and Apps

and I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention:

NOTE!StumbleUpon Exchange Sites!

And people think I have no life!  HAH!  I showed them!  Yessiree, I certainly did! 



Barbara Ling

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