== ALERT ==
First and foremost: Please ensure you have btl@barbaraling.com whitelisted in your email reader! The newsletter will NOT arrive unless you do.
Visit askblings.com/whitelist to learn how and then come back to read, thanks! (and don’t forget – feel free to share this newsletter with your friends so they can enjoy the morning MooseNCoffee too!).
== ALERT ==
Before we dive into today, let’s get a quick recap!
=== Start Ongoing Goodies! ===
Over 90 years ago!
Plus My Own:
Passive Affiliate Marketing Made Simple
Newbie pennies?
Today’s Freebie in our FB group: (if you can’t see it, you need to join our group below)
Updated guide to Facebook advertising placements [Infographic]
=== End Ongoing Goodies! ===
Where was I?
Ah yes, Thursday!
But first:
Ever wish you could profit from Instagram nametags?
Ever wish you ever KNEW what an Instagram nametag was?
Well thing!
According to
you can think of it like a QR code that others can scan *within* the Instagram app.
And why is this important? Consider:
“…You know that it can be challenging to get people to follow you on Instagram. Despite the fact that you broadcast your username far and wide, people still need to go through the effort to type in your handle, find your account, and give you a follow.
This is the beauty of Instagram Nametags. They remove any and all effort—so people can seamlessly find and then follow you on the platform….”
So yep, thats one nifty usage of it.
Other excellent ideas can be found over at:
Your takeaway?
Chances are, your audience is already on Instagram….
So why not just make it easier for them to find you in the first place?
Nifty! And….
It’s Thursday!
Yesterday was heck.
My grand Tuesday routine (where I got in exercise 3 times!), followed by yesterday’s physical therapy…
Well, it kinda sorta smooshed me bigtime.
Ended up rescheduling xrays for Friday at 8am because I’m learning that mornings work ‘way better for me…
… and by the afternoon, I’m down and out for the count.
But, still above ground so…
Life is good!
Today a nor’easter is supposed to hit my area, so it will be a quiet day of working and doing the leg stretches and repeating that 3947853897 times.
In a nutshell:
Your takeaway from this perkup?
You’ve survived 100% of your bad days….
You’ll do that today as well!
A very powerful lesson indeed.
And that’s all…
It’s the Internet Lifestyle!
And want you to see the honest trailer of The Meg?
Of course you do!
And our morning artwork/cartoon?
If you like this goodness, get all the extra benefits at his Patreon site (stuff not shared on his site)
and then visit the page below and like/share the comics… they always make my day a wee bit more bright!
AND! At some time, I’m going to write about making money as a gamer (the site Twitch.tv is fascinating – you can stream people playing games and some of the best of ’em earn in the 5 figures!).
Because it’s both Star Wars AND coffee AND a cat, I like watching:
You can watch him and subscribe to his channel over at:
What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….
And onto today!
FIRST: Be alert to a GEMALERT from me – could be Holidays (note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at askbling.com/getgemalert ).
NOTE! I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time. Thanks!
AND!! Please visit askbling.com/whitelist and whitelist btl@barbaraling.com – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies. Thanks!
And! I started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at askbling.com/btlclass1 … Click below to start the adventure!

And! I started a private SuperAffiliate Course over at askbling.com/superaff30 … Click below to start the adventure!

And! I started a private IM Coaching Waiting List over at askblings.com/btlcoach … Click below to get on the said waiting list!

And here we go!
Holiday Profits?
Paypal Profits?
and 2 more… can you guess?
And let’s begin!
Want you Holiday Moola: Turn one buck into 10 bucks, again and again and… ?
Well then!
Holiday Moola: Turn one buck into 10 bucks, again and again and…
See how you can accomplish this here!
Whats that? You want Straight to Paypal commissions,… made easy?
Well then!
Straight to Paypal commissions,… made easy!
See how you can go directly to Paypal here!
What’s that? You want penny clicks for Newbies?
Well then!
Penny clicks for newbies!
See the step by step ideas here!
What’s that? You want 1,500 video templates waiting for you, along with 4 softwares and…?
Well then!
1,500 video templates waiting for you, along with 4 softwares and… !
See the incredibly large THUD you’ll gain here!
And finally:
A 100% Commissions across the board enhancement!
See what it’s all about there!
Wheeeeee! (btw, like this newsletter? Why not share it with your friends today? And don’t forget: Visit askblings.com/whitelist to learn how and then come back to read, thanks!)
Don’t forget yesterdays:
Where was I?
Ah yes, Wednesday!
But first:
Ever wish you could wave a magic wand and see money falling from trees?
Well, as you’re probably aware….
It doesn’t *quite* happen like that.
However, there ARE thingees (regardless of niche!) that you can start *today* to see income moseying your way in the future!
shows you not 1, not 2 but 32 (!) ideas, ranging from:
Write a monetized blog post with a specific call-to-action
Sell advertising to your social audience (sponsored content)
Write a short report
Set up a membership site
to ‘way more!
The list is pretty nifty…
… and if you’d like more details on any of the methods, simply search on Google with the prefix “how do I make money with” and the particular idea
like so.
Want other concrete ideas for making money online? Consider:
Your takeaway?
Earning a sustainable income online is definitely possible…. but yep, it will take time and effort.
As it should.
It’s Wednesday!
And yes, I’m up (almost!) at a nice normal 4am (got up at 4:40am actually).
Then again, as my back started yelling at me last night and I finally fell asleep at … 10?pm, I’ll take what I can get.
(hence the ‘moaning’ in the subject title – I found myself doing that from the pain. ‘Course, when the husband came to bed, he did the same thing. Gotta love synchronized moaning due to pain. It did make me giggle in between, however.
Earlier in the week, I read:
I’m Documenting Myself Slowly Dying From A Rare Disease To Show Why Euthanasia Should Be Legalized
You can read that over at:
It’s *hugely* powerful; I shared it on my FB wall, to my kids and the like.
This part especially bounced out at me:
“…. if you think you have a sh*tty life, I’d take that sh*tty life, because it IS a life.”
It made me realize more and more that even if my own health is lousy it IS my life, and it’s my responsibility to do the very best with it that I can.
So, yesterday I tried my older routine:
Gym at 7am:
Pool at 10am:
Husband doing the shopping at Costco at 1pm:
(that was so I didn’t have to do the walking myself).
Later on, I also got to the gym in the afternoon and then set up an xrays appointment (that’s today at 2:30pm)…
… and at 7am today is my first physical therapy appt!
So yep… trying to take responsibility and ownership of *me*.
It definitely is character-building, I will say that.
But hey… it’s *me*.
Your takeaway from this perkup?
When you can, give yourself permission to be grateful for some aspects of your life.
Things could always be worse.
A very powerful lesson indeed.
And that’s all…
It’s the Internet Lifestyle!
And want you to see Marbel Remembering the Legacy of Stan Lee?
Of course you do!
And our morning artwork/cartoon?
If you like this goodness, get all the extra benefits at his Patreon site (stuff not shared on his site)
and then visit the page below and like/share the comics… they always make my day a wee bit more bright!
AND! At some time, I’m going to write about making money as a gamer (the site Twitch.tv is fascinating – you can stream people playing games and some of the best of ’em earn in the 5 figures!).
Because it’s both Star Wars AND coffee AND a cat, I like watching:
You can watch him and subscribe to his channel over at:
What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….
And onto today!
FIRST: Be alert to a GEMALERT from me – could be eCom (note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at askbling.com/getgemalert ).
NOTE! I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time. Thanks!
AND!! Please visit askbling.com/whitelist and whitelist btl@barbaraling.com – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies. Thanks!
And! I started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at askbling.com/btlclass1 … Click below to start the adventure!

And! I started a private SuperAffiliate Course over at askbling.com/superaff30 … Click below to start the adventure!

And! I started a private IM Coaching Waiting List over at askblings.com/btlcoach … Click below to get on the said waiting list!

And here we go!
Bigger Thud?
2019 PLR?
and 2 more… can you guess?
And let’s begin!
Want you an UPDATED => THUD (plus 1.5K commissions, 1,500 trainings and more?
Well then!
UPDATED => THUD (plus 1.5K commissions, 1,500 trainings and more!
See what Dennis and I added here!
Whats that? You want 17 Affiliate Softwares included to 4 figures a month made easy?
Well then!
17 Affiliate Softwares included to 4 figures a month made easy?
See the big huge package here!
What’s that? You want 2019 Resolutions PLR?
Well then!
MegaPack – 2019 Resolutions PLR!
See everything that is included in the Welness Megapack here!
What’s that? You want ECOM: Creating your own profit site in only a few minutes?
Well then!
ECOM: Creating your own profit site in only a few minutes!
See the you name it, it does it here!
And finally:
Passive Profitable Penny Clicks!
See why its such a great idea here!
Wheeeeee! (btw, like this newsletter? Why not share it with your friends today? And don’t forget: Visit askblings.com/whitelist to learn how and then come back to read, thanks!)
Don’t forget yesterdays:
Where was I?
Ah yes, Tuesday!
But first:
Ever wish you had a clue as to the Next Big Thing for the next year?
Well then!
describes not 1, not 2 but (oooo) 3! platforms you probably already know about, but might not realize is poised for so much more:
Etsy (definitely heard of it)
Flubit (never heard of it but their tagline is interesting: Over 1 Million items
Cheaper than Amazon!
Before you buy it, Flubit! )
NotOnTheHighStreet (never heard of that either)
Fascinating stuff!
eCom is showing no signs of decreasing…. as a matter of fact, the increase of mobile phone usage makes eCom accessible to all no matter where they’re located.
Want to understand how one can profit? Check out:
Your takeaway?
eCom is definitely a viable way to earn online…
Why not check it out today?
And today?
It’s Tuesday
Yep, it’s Tuesday. Back is yelling at me so I’m up at actually a nice normal 4am (yay!) and will see if I can either:
- Go back to sleep later or
- Start the day and gym!
Got scripts for xrays (lovely, was told I might have “degenerative spine diseases, common in getting old.” Not dwelling on that – I think I prefer to think of it as a backache FIRST and LAST and we’ll tackle disease after that.
Today will be ideally… being smart and wise with physical condition.
Your takeaway from this perkup?
If you can’t sleep…
Get up and get stuff done.
A very powerful lesson indeed.
And that’s all…
It’s the Internet Lifestyle!
And want you to see a Toy Story 4 trailer?
Of course you do!
And our morning artwork/cartoon?
If you like this goodness, get all the extra benefits at his Patreon site (stuff not shared on his site)
and then visit the page below and like/share the comics… they always make my day a wee bit more bright!
AND! At some time, I’m going to write about making money as a gamer (the site Twitch.tv is fascinating – you can stream people playing games and some of the best of ’em earn in the 5 figures!).
Because it’s both Star Wars AND coffee AND a cat, I like watching:
You can watch him and subscribe to his channel over at:
What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….
And onto today!
FIRST: Be alert to a GEMALERT from me – could be MMO (note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at askbling.com/getgemalert ).
NOTE! I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time. Thanks!
AND!! Please visit askbling.com/whitelist and whitelist btl@barbaraling.com – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies. Thanks!
And! I started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at askbling.com/btlclass1 … Click below to start the adventure!

And! I started a private SuperAffiliate Course over at askbling.com/superaff30 … Click below to start the adventure!

And! I started a private IM Coaching Waiting List over at askblings.com/btlcoach … Click below to get on the said waiting list!

And here we go!
Penny Clicks made Easy?
Adsense Made Easy?
and 2 more… can you guess?
And let’s begin!
Want you Penny Clicks made Easy?
Well then!
Penny Clicks made Easy!
See how you can do just that here!
Whats that? You want Adsense made Easy?
Well then!
Adsense made Easy!
See how it can help you for 2019 here!
What’s that? You want to see where to go for great PLR?
Well then!
Great PLR!
See the admittedly brief hint here!
What’s that? You want to create 4 figures?
Well then!
4 Figures!
See the hidden ideas over here!
And finally:
Zero Cost List Building Webbie!
See the next time it’s scheduled here!
Wheeeeee! (btw, like this newsletter? Why not share it with your friends today? And don’t forget: Visit askblings.com/whitelist to learn how and then come back to read, thanks!)
Don’t forget our Favs:
==> The BEST Coaching (Newbies, Advanced and Experienced alike!)
==> Compare this to Paypal?
==> W+ Network!
==> The Commission Machine
==> Pure Newbie, No Traffic, No Experience No List? No Problem!
==> Zero Cost List Building Class This Week!
==> $1 Trial Software that writes your copy for you!
==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets
==> Become Unstoppable (Zero cost!)
==> Tiff Lambert Lifetime PLR
==> JR Lang Quality PLR!
==> Nicole Deal Easy PLR
==> Sue Fleckenstein
==> Alice Seba PLR
==> Rachel Whole Foods PLR!
==> Resellers Rights Weekly Free
==> ID PLR Free!
Thank you for enjoying my newsletters – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates!
Grow strong,
Barb Ling
| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 80 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. And are you part of our rockin’
| new popular free marketingNmoose group?
| Perking Up Profits!
| >> facebook.com/groups/perkingUpProfits
Got questions?
I respond to every email sent! Happy to hear from you…. and remember:
Fortune Favors The Bold
Go out and make *yourself* fortunate today!