Morning all,
I have awakened to the realization that I’m more non-optimal than a devastating world-wise freeze on coffee production. My mental state feels mired in quick-ooze molasses, my ability to focus is *almost* (almost!) as strong as an overly cooked spaghetti strand competing in the Manly Man Rigidly StrongMan Competition, and and and….
You know what that’s like, right?
You feel like giving yourself permission to go straight back to bed (and honestly, that at times is the wisest thing you can do)! But when you have other goals you’d like to accomplish and can look out towards the next few days, considering doing…
1.) EAT! Fuel your body. Something. Anything! Ideally anything with protein. At least give your body a fighting chance.
2.) Inform your family and colleagues your situation, so they’ll modify their expectations of you. Right now, my 4 kids have all promised that after school, *they* are taking care of *me*. Woot!
3.) Share *something* first of value before collapsing in a heap. This is my own personal mantra; even if I feel like hell, it doesn’t mean I can’t raise the spirits of others! And once doing that…it makes *me* feel pretty nifty as well. What goes around, comes around!
4.) Modify your work. Right now, I have 2 products to create. What normally might take me 5 minutes will take me now an hour….so *schedule out your time*. It’s okay to be slow.
5.) Take a 5 minute walk outside. Fresh air helps (unless you have allergies and end up sneezing your guts out. In that case, sorry. )
and finally
6.) Be kind to *yourself*. Treat yourself as you want others to treat you – after all, you deserve big huge bunches of understanding and kindness. It starts, however, with *you*. You’re number one – honor yourself that way big time!
Hope you’ve found this useful – I’m now going to take the other kids to school and slowly (very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very slowly) start the day.
Make it a grand day all!
Grow strong,
Barbara LIng