The eLearning Industry has ALREADY SURPASSED 316 Billion Dollars.

Don't YOU Deserve a Slice of That?

It's True! Which Might Make You Wonder.... Why Will I OFFER You This Powerful CheatSheet "Digital Product Creation Secrets" Goodie (You Can Benefit Today!) ... Starting out at LESS Than The Price of a Fast Food lunch?

Dear Income Seeking Reader,

Virtual Coach

Barb Ling, the Virtual Coach here and quick! Time is money and with the way the economy is morphing, you could wake up tomorrow and discover that:

🙀 The price of your beloved comfort food rose more than high tide during the night

🙀 Your weekly grocery bill resembled the 1980s version of feeding an NFL football team

🙀 The AMC movie theaters charge an extra $2 for a popcorn delivery fee.

Think about that last one, aye?

Yeah. A Movie Theater charges a "delivery fee" from INSIDE said Movie Theater!

The mind boggles. The facts are(and I'll bet you've seen this too):

Prices are going
🡅 UP! 🡅 UP! 🡅 UP!

While Job Security is going

And to add even more joy:

You Have ZERO Control Over Those ADDITIONAL Financial Hardships.

Talk about unfair!

I mean, if inflation starts to weigh down the economy MORE than 13 slumbering elephants would, does that automatically *increase* your takehome pay so you can still maintain your quality of life?

I certainly do NOT think so. What about you?

Yep. Horrible, isn't it?

Plain and simple, the reality is that *unless* you can schedule a chat with your local friendly neighborhood dragon to ask how *she* got all *her* treasure so *she* doesn't have to worry about the economy crashing...

You simply are at the mercy of the economy.

Let me repeat that (ok paraphrase that) in great big caffeinated letters:

No Spare Gold Treasure, No Protection Against SRPI!!

(Oh, SRPI? Sudden Random Price Increases of course. 😊 )

And no SRPI protection is a very scary thing indeed!

Here, let me show you. Consider Exhibit A, the story about Smooshed Stanely. A cousin of Flat Stanley, mind you, *our* Stan the Man is your typical guy, happily married with 2.4 lively kids, a hyperative dog that keeps trying to herd the neighborhood children, elderly parents who rely upon him....

Can you relate to our hero?

He boldly and bravely works a retail job (given the way customers treat service workers, such a job truly IS something to be feared), and officially starts his workday at 5AM (have to open the store!) and trudges through the hours, dodging those "I want to see your manager!" types left and right until *finally* at 5PM, his colleagues leave (because now he needs to close the store).

(This really DOES have the sound of a 2025 horror film, amirite)?

And his real-life mornings? They begin with the irritating mosquito-like buzz of his "vintage" alarm clock, and his nights see him collapsing into bed, utterly drained and more worn out than an Olympic sloth. Life just feels like a never-ending merry-go-round that speeds up juuuuust enough to make him dizzy but never enough to actually go anywhere! (anywhere *useful*, that is). 🙃

Of course, it's at times like this that Life *always* decides to unveil the curtains on the latest episode of This Is YOUR Life, Stan the Man!


In this case, by his manager deciding that TODAY would be the *perfect* day to fire him.

Put Yourself Now In Stan's Place.

What would you DO?

Just imagine.... The security you had relied upon utterly vanished, replaced instead by scary panic. How *would* you provide for your family? How *would* you shoulder the mind-numbing anxiety of dwindling savings, the unrelenting and unforgiving job hunt... the weight of depression that would bore down upon you, heavier than a maddened Silverback?

Hmmm? Well, for Stan, there was another factor in play.

He also felt he had to keep it a secret from his spouse!

After all, every married person wants their loved one to feel safe and secure, right? But each day without a job offer felt like being trapped in an Escher maze with NO exit in sight.

Not 1. Not a single teeny tiny exit whatsover. 😢 But at that moment of darkness and despair, Life would suddenly shine a light straight into his heart and soul by the miracle...

... of Late Night Informercials (bet you didn't see THAT twist coming!)

Fact is, 4 Leaf Clovers growing on Astroturf are easier to find for depressed peoples than sleep 😔

And if you CAN'T sleep, what do you do?

In our hero Stan's case, he turned to the cold comfort of Late Night Informercials. At least they had the ability to make him forget, if only for an hour or so, his current reality.

The infomercials were *so* engaging that time would fly by! Stan found himself wondering what it was about them that seized the viewer's attention - the sounds, the sights, the goofy, campy videos...

The topics near and dear to his heart like:

Making Money Online.

Making Money Online!

Stan became enthralled with the idea.

So many ways apparently existed!

Stan watched informercials about selling on eBay.

He watched infomercials about selling real estate with apparently no money down (but a lot of exclamation marks).

And then he discovered:

Making Money via Content Creation

"Content creation?" thought Stan. "You mean people would buy 'knowledge' that other people sell for, heck, not just a pretty penny but a Gorgeous Hunk 'o Moola?"

Stan became determined to discover more except...

Job-hunting really did NOT lend itself to spending hours and hours to learn about new topics. He just did not HAVE the time necessary to watch dozens of videos or read 100s of PDF pages...

He needed something he could consume FAST.

Something that would provide him with the exact location where the knowledge he craved, resided.

Something that would show him shortcuts to...

Digital Product Creation Secrets!

And let me tell you, Smooshed Stan became Super Stan after he discovered a streamlined treasure trove (contained on just 1 single page!) of how one can Create Digital Products with style and flair.

("They could even be viewed as Digital Income Treasure Makers," Stan mused. "Wouldn't his Dragon friend be proud of him!")

Why, it was something he could imagine Boromir from Lord of the Rings intoning:

"One does not Ignore the Profits Digital Products can deliver to YOU!"

You know, something like:

And what that 1 page cheatsheet showed him!

He discover resources that revealed:

The Dozens upon Dozens of Digital Products he could create

Powerful networking groups so he could ask questions and actually get useful answers

How to Create Digital Products from Canva

But you know what the coolest thing was that he uncovered?

Not 1, but 2(!) "Product Creation Secret Sauces!"

Our Man Stan was entirely entranced. Because all the resources were contained on just 1 page, he only spent perhaps 10 minutes before he KNEW the direction he wanted to move.

Can you imagine the sense of relief he felt?

As you probably guessed, Stan (all fired with with determination and excitement) applied himself bigtime, and soon found himself selling his OWN content, his OWN Digital Products and didn't look back even once.

I mean, why should he? An entire Whole New World had opened up before him - a world in which his earning power, instead of minimum wage...

... was virtually unlimited.

And THAT, of course, was a Very Good Thing indeed.

The End

Now, that was Stan's story.

Let's now focus upon the Most Important Person Around...


Ensuring YOU know how to Make Money Online sounds rather wise; after all, possessing that knowledge on *how* to generate income ensures that *YOU* are not left up the proverbial creek without a paddle... should your primary source of income disappear.

So why AM I Offering You...

(For LESS than that tired Fast Food Meal Price...)

This easy-to-use...

Digital Product Creation Secrets Cheatsheet?


I'll tell you why... Product Creation can be *the key* that helps you builds up your overall bottom line!

But finding the BEST resources for 2024 Digital Income Treasure Makers is like drinking from a firehose...

You end up WASTING your valuable time searching out WHERE to learn FAST. This 1 page power 2024 Digital Income Treasure Makers Cheatsheet gently takes you by the hand and shows you these 3 (only 3!) easy-to-follow steps:

Step 1

🔥 The Art of Networking

🔥 Popular Product Creators Communities

🔥 Over 200 Product Creation Ideas


Then you'll discover:

Step 2

🔥 How to kick fate in the RIGHT direction and encourage vendors to help you out

🔥 Where to go for PLR Product Creation Ideas

🔥 Product Creation Ideas Regarding eClasses

🔥 Print on Demand Printers

🔥 The BEST ways to Create a Digital Product


And then, something that is truly a treat:

Step 3

🔥 Not 1 but 2(!) Product Creation Secret Sauces!

🔥 You'll discover the EASIEST way to design ebooks.

🔥 You will uncover how to tell AI to make the content it creates sound like a human wrote it.

And even better...

🔥 The knowledge for how to use AI to transform PLR into fresh new content (and even bypass AI Content Detection) is revealed as well!

Finally, I even show you, at the end, Your Next Steps...

So you have an Action Plan and are NEVER left hanging. How great is that?

Digital Product Creation Enables YOU to Boost Your Profits Online... (again and again)!

But if YOU want to cash in on Profiting via Product Creation... you truly should start TODAY.

Like I said, Time is Money and I'll bet you want to save your time by NOT reading dozens of pages... so I've distilled everything down to the one, simple page.

Remember... this 1 Page "Digital Product Creation Secrets Cheatsheet" is starting out LESS than the cost of a fast food meal and is waiting for YOU (but is dimesale and increasing with every sale!).

Can't get better than that... but...

But I don't stop there!

Keep in mind, upon reading this time-saving cheatsheet, you will INSTANTLY be ahead of 98% of folks who ignore the undeniable Profits that that Digital Content Creation can provide.

Who *wouldn't* want that income boost?

This information NEEDS to be shared with those interested about making money online & I want to help YOU capitalize on that, Plain and Simple.

Not To Mention...

giveaway rights

That's Why I am Including FULL Giveaway Rights With This Cheatsheet!

(Product is delivered unblurred, of course).

Every Second Counts regarding where *YOU* choose to spend your time, so I've distilled everything down to the one, simple page.

Remember... this 1 Page "Digital Product Creation Secrets Cheatsheet" is starting out LESS than the cost of a fast food meal and is waiting for YOU (but is dimesale and increasing with every sale!).

Again, you'll see that it features for you (saving you time AND money):

Just 3 Reassuring Sections - so you won't be overwhelmed by bunches of pages.

Provides Eye-Catching Critical Highlights - yellow highlighting can work quite well! :)

Additional Quality Resoures - you can direct-click to additional information (I've already uncovered them for you!).

A 'Your Next Steps' - This way, you aren't left hanging - you'll know what to do once you've finished consuming this powerful resource.

As you can see, there are NO "Pushbutton Dreamz!" claims!

Just plain and simple facts...

... That do NOT demand a commitment to action (You can learn at your own pace).

And you know what that means?

It means...

It's a Win Win All The Way Around!

Not only are you about to tap into Product Creation profiting...

But you'll ALSO be able to instantly share the same information with YOUR audience as well (or give it away as a valuable list builder).

Use it to:

Gift Valuable Content to your Tribe

Offer As An Enticing Bonus

Heck, Just Give It Away to *Build Your List!*

But WAIT! There's even MORE!

You will ALSO receive entry into a special Bonus Web Ticket eClass where you will discover the:

Secret Sauces to Online Treasure Creation!

This special class will reveal to you:

There's 2 ways to generate YOUR digital income treasure.

The hard way, and the 'waaay easier way. (We like the 'waaay easier way too)!

You'll uncover:

How you can earn an extra $1,000/month up to $10,000/month or more. We can guarantee it!

Proof of our claims

The techniques to make AI Output sound human

How to transform ANY PLR into Quality Goodness

How to use our innovative custom GPT to create a special 10x10 matrix outline

How to get access to 100s and 100s of additional products you can use, resell, modify and profit from in your sales funnel, instantly

How to take a shortcut to forming your own Internet marketing empire

The key to online success

and more!

So now you might be wondering to yourself, Jeepers self, how much?

How much for something so timely, yet so easy to consume (all the main material is on just 1 page!)... and even comes with List Building giveaway rights so YOU can start Building YOUR List Today?

Sure, I could charge 'way more but...

Jaw-Dropping Deals Are One of My Specialities!

Thus, You've Got Two Options:

Get This Cheatsheet + Full PLR Rights

Get This Cheatsheet + GIVEAWAY Rights, and Build YOUR List by Giving it Away Freely as a Gift!

So what are you waiting for? It's waiting for YOU!

The Only Thing to ask now is... How Much?

Lessee .... if this was a traditional marketing sales page, done by your typical Bright Shiny Wheeee! Marketer, I'd probably write:

$7,599 (I mean hey, why not?)

But you're smarter than that (although it's fun to read)!

Thus, Choose from:

The Personal Usage Investment that Comes with Giveaway List Building Rights


The Full Private Label Rights (Source Included, which means you can claim ownership, modify it with YOUR branding information, include YOUR Affiliate Links and more!)

Full Private Label Rights (Premium)

Edit it as you'd like, claim authorship....
Create Your OWN Cheatsheet/List-Builder from it as well!



PDF Only with Giveaway Rights

PDF Form that you can upload to your site as a
Bonus for signing up to your list
(not to mention, you can learn from it as well)!


With that, what are you waiting for? 😀

Who knows how much more your Product Creation Profits bottom line could be... unless you actually put the ideas into practice?

Remember too, the Giveaway Rights ALSO enable you to grow your list (among other things). This is something that enables YOU to increase YOUR monetary bottom line... and the means is now waiting for you to take advantage of that today..

Can't get better than that!

Have a Profitable Day,

Virtual Coach

Barb The Virtual Coach

PS- you could spend days trying to find this necessary information yourself... or just enjoy the instant download of a single, one page power cheat sheet. Make sure your future Profits shine!

Full Private Label Rights (Premium)

Edit it as you'd like, claim authorship....
Create Your OWN Cheatsheet/List-Builder from it as well!



PDF Only with Giveaway Rights

PDF Form that you can upload to your site as a
Bonus for signing up to your list
(not to mention, you can learn from it as well)!


PS: Oh, And There Is A 100% Guarantee
So You Risk Nothing!

To get your hands on this time-saving super-focused package, you only have to invest a very tiny amount. However, you really get to see it all for free.

Here's why: I have a 30 day "no questions asked" guarantee. It works like this - get this package today, and spend a whole 30 days using it to your advantage. Then, at any time within those 30 days, if you are unsatisfied in any way, just contact us and we'll return every penny of your purchase to you - no questions asked.

Every bit of risk to you has been removed and...

It is waiting for you!

Full Private Label Rights (Premium)

Edit it as you'd like, claim authorship....
Create Your OWN Cheatsheet/List-Builder from it as well!



PDF Only with Giveaway Rights

PDF Form that you can upload to your site as a
Bonus for signing up to your list
(not to mention, you can learn from it as well)!


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